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Need Latin advice......Latin Prep/Wheelock/Lukeion

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Let me start by saying that I am aware that I've messed ds' progression of Latin because of my own ability to keep up. I would've farmed it out last fall but the options didn't work out because of other commitments in our schedule. I signed him for Latin 1 with Lukeion starting in the fall. Now I'm wondering if I should have signed him up for Latin 2. He took the Latin Preparedness Quiz on the Lukeion website and scored 82% which would make him eligible for Latin 2.


Here is what he has done so far: Please don't laugh...

Prima Latina, LC 1, LC2, Latin Prep 1, First Form Latin, ds begged to go back to Latin Prep so we started Latin Prep 2 and completed upto chap 7 (out of 10). At the beginning of this year I decided that since I would be farming it out eventually I should switch to Wheelock, so he is slowly working his way through Wheelock and is in Chap 7.


So, should I try to get through the first half of Wheelock working through the summer and have him switch to Latin 2 at Lukeion? I don't even know if they will let him switch - thought I'd get some input from the WTM board before I even request a change.


OR... should I just have him go through Latin 1 and be thoroughly grounded and also not have to wrangle with colleges accepting a foreign lang credit from 8th grade.


If you have any experience with Wheelock and/or Lukeion do you have any advice or suggestions. I need to figure this out soon before Lukeion runs out of room.


Thanks so much.

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My son (8th grade) is in Lukeion Latin 1 after doing a lot of Henle. It is good for him - reviews things he has seen before but with more vocabulary and more thorough presentation.


I think if your son placed into Latin 2, you should consider going for it. One thing Amy Barr suggested to us before we joined Latin 1 mid-year was to go through the Latin 1a material at a faster rate. As you mentioned, over the summer you could keep going through the Latin 1 material - learning new vocab and doing the self-tutorial exercises (b/c there are answers for these in the text). Then you'll be ready for Latin 2. We will be doing this kind of review, too, just because I don't want my son to lose everything we've done this year before doing Latin 2 next year.


When we were confused about which level to put my son, Amy Barr wisely said that if my son wanted to do a certain class, then even if it was a stretch, he would do better b/c he was motivted. Is there a particular class he would rather do? What does she suggest after looking at his placement test results?



Edited by sandra in va
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My girls did a lot of the same prep work that your son has done, minus the extra Wheelock's: PL, LC I, part of LC II, LfC A, part of LfCB, Latin Prep 1, part of Latin Prep II, and after that they joined Lukeion Latin I. By that point I was ready for them to have a teacher rather than a struggling facilitator who could only read the answer key (me!). It was a great transition--some review at first, and then the pace ramped up during the 2nd semester (and it has *really* ramped up this year in Latin II!).


If he is having a lot of success teaching himself with Wheelock's and you think he could make it through Chapter 20 over the summer, joining in for Latin II in the fall might be a possibility. Last summer Amy offered a summer session of 38 Latin Stories that served as a nice review and bridge between Latin I & II, but I don't see it on the schedule this year--I wonder if she has discontinued that particular workshop. Another option if you're worried about whether or not he could continue the quick pace through Ch. 20 over the summer would be to just have him stop where he is now, enjoy doing other things over the summer, and join Latin I in the fall with some easy review to begin with. I think Sandra's question is a good one: which would he feel more comfortable (and motivated) doing?

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My Latin-loving DS had done two years of Henle and two levels of LNST. When he took the Veritas Latin 2 placement, he was 2 points away. I asked him what he wanted, and he was devasted. He didn't want to start over again.


So over the summer I had him study, and in early August he took the test again. This time he passed. Not with flying colors, but enough.


And he has LOVED Latin 2. He's had to put in some extra effort here and there to mesh his learning more closely with Wheelock's, but he has a high A and is doing fine. Next year he's taking Latin 3 from Lukeion because he wanted a more diverse literature focus that would lead to the Latin AP.


Good luck!

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Thank you for the responses so far. They have helped me think through how to proceed. Ds said he's willing to work through Chapter 19 if he can move to Level 2. I just emailed Ms. Barr to ask for her input and if it is even possible to switch. Were any readers used through the Latin 1 course?


Also, will I have trouble getting credit for a foreign lang taken in 8th grade?


Thanks again.



Let me start by saying that I am aware that I've messed ds' progression of Latin because of my own ability to keep up. I would've farmed it out last fall but the options didn't work out because of other commitments in our schedule. I signed him for Latin 1 with Lukeion starting in the fall. Now I'm wondering if I should have signed him up for Latin 2. He took the Latin Preparedness Quiz on the Lukeion website and scored 82% which would make him eligible for Latin 2.


Here is what he has done so far: Please don't laugh...

Prima Latina, LC 1, LC2, Latin Prep 1, First Form Latin, ds begged to go back to Latin Prep so we started Latin Prep 2 and completed upto chap 7 (out of 10). At the beginning of this year I decided that since I would be farming it out eventually I should switch to Wheelock, so he is slowly working his way through Wheelock and is in Chap 7.


So, should I try to get through the first half of Wheelock working through the summer and have him switch to Latin 2 at Lukeion? I don't even know if they will let him switch - thought I'd get some input from the WTM board before I even request a change.


OR... should I just have him go through Latin 1 and be thoroughly grounded and also not have to wrangle with colleges accepting a foreign lang credit from 8th grade.


If you have any experience with Wheelock and/or Lukeion do you have any advice or suggestions. I need to figure this out soon before Lukeion runs out of room.


Thanks so much.

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Can I hijack just for a second and ask if it was a smooth transition from Latin Prep 2 to Wheelock?


Ds says it was fine. We only got to the end of Chap 7 of LP 2 before he switched. Also, the first few chapters of Wheelock was mostly review for him so he may run into issues later. He will definitely have to work on the vocab if he is allowed to move into Latin 2 at Lukeion.



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Thank you for the responses so far. They have helped me think through how to proceed. Ds said he's willing to work through Chapter 19 if he can move to Level 2. I just emailed Ms. Barr to ask for her input and if it is even possible to switch. Were any readers used through the Latin 1 course?


Also, will I have trouble getting credit for a foreign lang taken in 8th grade?


Thanks again.


I have similar concerns. Thus far, the folks I've talked to said to put it on the transcript and that they would consider with the same eye that they use when seeing Algebra I in 8th grade. They also encouraged an AP and/or SAT II exam in Latin to verify the level of mastery. We'll probably do both of those exams because different schools had different opinions of what test showed mastery.

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Thanks GVA. I hope to have ds take the Latin AP and a couple of other SAT II exams. He will also have Alg 1 and Geom prior to 9th grade and I plan to have him take 4 more Math courses in High School.



I have similar concerns. Thus far, the folks I've talked to said to put it on the transcript and that they would consider with the same eye that they use when seeing Algebra I in 8th grade. They also encouraged an AP and/or SAT II exam in Latin to verify the level of mastery. We'll probably do both of those exams because different schools had different opinions of what test showed mastery.
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