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Natural Skin Care/Makeup

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For those of you who use natural and/or organic skin care and makeup, what do you use? I am trying to go this route, but am overwelmed with the choices. Several of the ones I have seen are just out of my price range. I would love some opinions from women that actuall USE these brands!

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I use Pure Anada. I have very fussy skin and their stuff doesn't bother it at all. Their main online storefront is here. You can also get it from a few other online retailers (listed on the main site). If you order from the main storefront, orders over $50 get free shipping in N. America. It's also very affordable. The mineral make-up goes a long, long way. It takes me about 8 months to use the regular size pot of foundation and I use it 6 days a week.

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For face wash & moisturizer, I really like the Kiss My Face Potent & Pure line. They have a starter kit with sample sizes so you can try their basics.


You may have to sample a LOT of different ones to find your ideal, though. I've tried many great products recommended and loved by friends that don't work for my skin / water / whatever factor. Nothing against the products; they're just not a good match for me.

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