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Classical Conversations Memory Master Study Binder

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For those of you involved in Classical Conversations........I thought I would share my idea......


I created a Memory Master Study Binder for my son as we prepare for testing. Also, I made a portable basket to carry all of our memory master "tools." I thought somebody else might like to see it. It has helped keep us on track with our goals!


Here is a link to the assembly instructions and pictures:





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For those of you involved in Classical Conversations........I thought I would share my idea......


I created a Memory Master Study Binder for my son as we prepare for testing. Also, I made a portable basket to carry all of our memory master "tools." I thought somebody else might like to see it. It has helped keep us on track with our goals!


Here is a link to the assembly instructions and pictures:






Thank you for posting this. I am planning on enrolling my daughter this fall, and this will help organize things.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Within our CC group we have kids that have received the award (and earned it) six times and they are 11 yo. It amazes me, but when I've chatted about it, I'm told they knew all the material - the test was not scaled back toward age.


So it's interest and skill based. My 10yo did it for the first time this year, in his second year with CC.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Sorry it took me so long to respond! I just saw that I missed your post!


Memory Master is not dependent on age, but on ability. Usually, parents will factor in many things when making this decision: child's age, child's ability, child's interest, and number of years in CC. It isn't one thing, but a combination of all of these things! As the parent, you decide whether your child is ready or not. But, I will echo what Jim said...you might be surprised! Last year we had a first grader become Memory Master...(although that is not typical! He was super-motivated!)


Sorry...that isn't a black and white answer! But, that is the beauty of Classical Conversations! The parent is always in charge of making the final decision!


Hope that helps!



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If you are subscribed to the connected community on the CC website then there is a MM file you can download. It has all the memory work for each subject area and all the maps you'd need. It's the same as the pages at the end of each cycle listing in the guide I think. I downloaded that and put it in page protectors for my dd so she could mark off what she was learning as she went along. I didn't have a basket, but did use the binder and kept my memory flash cards on a ring attached to the binder, as well as homemade math flash cards (since she was over 10 she couldn't skip count the math).


It worked great and she was a MM this year!


She's moving on to Challenge A, and I will wait to have my son go for MM his last 3 cycles, so 4th-6th grades. Between now and then we will work on timeline and math skip counting since those will stay the same each year. I'd like to have him be a MM for all 3 cycles.

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