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A curriculum longing? A musing about kids getting older?

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I'm longing for a Sonlight core program. I mean, really really really wanting that box day. But my curriculum buying days are over. I bought so much curriculum when the kids were younger. We tried all kinds of things. I regret not being more consistent, but I did enjoy trying so many wonderful things.


I've posted about this feeling before. The kids are growing up. Things cannot stay the same. We are using an online program now and I cannot choose curriculum. They are taking the standard high school classes. Both DH and I agree that this program is best for them. They need the stability and consistency of a single program that will earn them an accredited diploma. I just really miss the days of seeing cool curriculum and buying it.


Learning used to be adventurous and fun. Now it's a chore. Blah.

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Awww. You could use NARHS for the accredited diploma while doing one of the upper level cores. :( I hate it when learning is a chore.


Sorry, to hijack the thread but what is this program?


As for the thread, I am a long way off but I know I am going to be so sad when I am not perusing curriculum and having box days. Sonlight box days are definitely the most exciting!

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I feel your pain. My dd will be in 12th grade next year. Curriculum buying days are nearly over at my house. This is her last Sonlight year - next year it's US Govt. and Economics (with Notgrass), Lightning Lit Brit Lit, Advanced Algebra with Life of Fred, Integrated Physics and Chemistry with PAC, plus 2 other credits we haven't quite decided on it. :)

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I am sticking my fingers in my ears and saying lalalala. I was not researching elementary curriculum yesterday. I was not looking over shiny newly published material that is too young for my son, no I was not.


I am not upset that I'm having to order almost one book at a time due to budget. I am not missing those giant boxes with smiley faces arriving at my door, no I'm not.


Not at all. :glare:

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Awww. You could use NARHS for the accredited diploma while doing one of the upper level cores. :( I hate it when learning is a chore.


DH would not let me do this. He likes Keystone because it is traditional high school classes that provide all the materials to complete the course. When we were deciding on Keystone, one of his criteria is that I choose a program that would not have me choosing curriculum. Remember what I said about not being consistent? I loved trying new things but the kids rarely made it through a full program whether it was a boxed program or separate subjects like math or grammar. While I've withdrawn my children from a few Keystone classes because we didn't like them, the kids are finishing every subject and moving at a reasonable pace. The school we chose is on the list of acceptable schools at the college we want our children to attend. Hopefully it will work out no matter what school they choose to attend.

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This thread is very relevant and timely to me now that my dc are getting older. I also do so miss the joy and excitement of new curriculum and new fun things. Homeschooling is no longer nearly as pleasurable as it once was. It's starting to become stressful and burdensome in many ways. Thank you for starting this thread and for all the helpful replies. I'll be looking at NARHS. Never heard of it until now. We do so love our read-alouds, which I hope that we can continue until they leave home. We also love the way we do history, geography, etc.

It's all the other stuff that's becoming rather arduous and what causes me to be wide awake at unearthly hours. :glare:

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