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Anyone else doing mega spring cleaning yet?

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I've worked so hard the last 2 days since we are taking our break week and the kids are at my parents. I am a pack rat and not the most organized person, so there are always piles of paper/books and clutter around. My goal this spring/summer is for everything to have a place...if it doesn',t I get rid of it. Here's my tally for yesterday and today:


Coat closet cleaned out and reorganized so it's finally functional...I added a low bar so the kids can have their coats easily accessible . There was enough room to stack many of their games on the floor too. I added bag hooks inside the door to hold their backpacks, grocery bags and my tote bag.


Linen closet cleaned out and organized, everything labeled.


We were drowning in books/craft supplies/manipulatives. ...so I bought a bookshelf (put it together ALL.BY.MYSELF - this is huge for me...lol) and got all of our school books organized by subject. That freed up a much to small bookshelf to now house all of our puzzles, games, manipulatives, school supplies,and fun books. All this is in the basement.


Since I had a place to move books to, that allowed me to clean out our den bookshelf and only put what we are working on during the week on it.


I have 6 bags ready to donate and too many garbage bags full to count.


I know y'all don't care, but it feels so good to get this done and I just had to tell someone :) I've got one more day kid free, so maybe I can get the house clean!



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Yup. We've de-junked boxes and bags of the outgrown clothes to Goodwill (and recorded the stuff in It's Deductible! Yippee!). Today, I funked up two (!!) HEPA filters to the point my Dyson actually lost suction. :ack2: They are now drying for more vacuuming on Sunday.


(and then my unfortunate husband called from work and I yelled at him about how disgusting we are. If the disgusting swill doesn't inspire him, the crazy wife does. :D)

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Way to go!!!


I got inspired by the "morning board" thread a few days ago, so I created one for us. For some reason, that got me in spring cleaning mode. In the last two days, I've cleared off a cluttered school table (which now houses our lovely morning board). Then I went through our bookshelf of school workbooks and threw away quite a few papers and used workbooks. I also cleaned our craft/school/storage room and emptied several boxes.


I have a long way to go still. DH is home tomorrow, so I hope for more progress! We moved nine months ago, and the unpacking and organizing just isn't done yet. I definitely have the spring cleaning bug, though!

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Yep. Partly self-motivated, and hurried because we have company coming from out of town. :001_smile:


I cleaned out the bookshelves, and got $60 in store credit at the local used book/video game/movie/musical instrument store. The rest (along with a bunch of clothes) goes to Goodwill tomorrow.


I've decluttered almost everywhere. Still need to do the kitchen drawers and bathroom vanity cabinet. And the scary messy closet under the stairs.


I've cleaned out and reorganized my kitchen cabinets; still trying to finalize this.


I am almost completely caught up on laundry for the first time in awhile, too. :D


Once our company leaves, I'll finish the rest.



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We made some progress today. I am selling a bunch of kid's clothes, but I am going through them and getting rid of a lot of them to donate instead because it is just not worth the hassle, headache, and space!


We cleaned up our kitchen table, then cleaned our desk, but the overflow got put on the table and I haven't seen that since. :glare: I need to go back and get rid of stuff.


I still have a bunch of stuff I'm trying to get rid of. Two or three plus boxes to get donated or taken to cosignment. I just need a day to bring everything to the car and take it out.


I did set up our "donation" station in the entry way so now we have a nifty holder for all of our things passing through the house.


I have two boxes of books that I am trying to figure out where to put them. My DH has several sets of shelves to put up (one in the LR, one in the kids room, and then a pair in the kitchen) so hopefully they will find a home in one of those places!! Actually i really want to get rid of the "roaming" rocking chair we have. It doesn't have a home and it just gets in the way....everywhere. But it was DH's grandfathers so he doesn't wnat to get rid of it... so we are stuck with it.


I bought myself flowers today to make my kitchen table look nice and give me something to look forward too! I figure if I can keep the kitchen tidy then I will buy myself flowers more often :001_smile:

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Great job, girls! Today I'm tackling the kid's rooms...uggghhh! There will definitely be some toys going in the donation pile.


MyCrazyHouse, I dusted some high places/fans a couple of weeks ago and it was disgusting! I did the same crazy rant with Dh about our filth!

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I've done my kitchen, the girls' bedroom, and my hall closets. I'm participating in Project Simplify off the Simplemom.net blog. Next week is choose-your-own adventure week and I'm not sure yet what that will be. My basement storage room is in desperate need of a purge, but I'm not sure if I'm up for that just yet. Maybe in 2 weeks when my DD4 is on spring break from preschool.

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