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Facebook vent, rant, self-pity and other such nonsense

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:rant:The other day I allowed an old friend to "sucker" me into getting a facebook page. It was the day after the huge thread on being lonely. So now I have this facebook page filled with friends from where we used to live. We've been gone for two years and I've talked to only a few of these people since we moved. We are hundreds of miles away, we don't plan on moving back, and in reality I might see some of them once a year, maybe. Only one of my "friends" is from here and I haven't seen her in months.


So I went from feeling lonely, and sort of okay with this being a season, to now completely feeling left out as well. These people all go to our old church and see each other 2 or more times a week.


I'm not a real social extrovert and derive minimal satisfaction from sending people virtual tiaras and lattes, kwim.


So my friends attempt to made me feel included has only left me feeling more isolated. :banghead::smash: End of rant......I'm having another popsicle, maybe that will help.

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:rant:The other day I allowed an old friend to "sucker" me into getting a facebook page. It was the day after the huge thread on being lonely. So now I have this facebook page filled with friends from where we used to live. We've been gone for two years and I've talked to only a few of these people since we moved. We are hundreds of miles away, we don't plan on moving back, and in reality I might see some of them once a year, maybe. Only one of my "friends" is from here and I haven't seen her in months.


So I went from feeling lonely, and sort of okay with this being a season, to now completely feeling left out as well. These people all go to our old church and see each other 2 or more times a week.


I'm not a real social extrovert and derive minimal satisfaction from sending people virtual tiaras and lattes, kwim.


So my friends attempt to made me feel included has only left me feeling more isolated. :banghead::smash: End of rant......I'm having another popsicle, maybe that will help.


I'm right there with ya! Stopped going to facebook altogether......:001_smile:

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:grouphug: Being lonely is hard. I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I've enjoyed facebook, but all of my old friends are scattered across the country. I can imagine if they were all together while I was alone that would add insult to injury. I'm with you on the tiaras and lattes though. :001_smile:

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