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Just received my LOE....WOW!


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I was soooo happy to come home from CC today and find my package! It looks awesome but very intense. I'm definitely thinking my plan of covering a lesson in three days is probably not realistic but I could be overestimating the time each part will take. (I'm including the extras when I say this). I will have about an hour a day, 5 days a week to cover this next year. Is that enough with the extras you think? Can anyone give me a break down of the time it is taking especially further into the book? Thanks!

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It looks very, very thorough and the grammar really reminds me of Shirley (the whole Q/A questioning to figure out the parts of speech). I'm super excited that it will develop vocab, dictation (which I have found super important), with a personal spelling journal and the Spalding method. It has ideas to make color-coded spelling cards which remind me of Winston grammar (though I've never used that). It just seems like it takes all the best ideas out there and puts them in one book written in a systematic way. I just have to figure out how to cover it in a year and the only way I'll get a realistic picture of that is to do it with my kids but I'm not planning to start until the fall. There wasn't as much explanation for the whole method as I thought there would be but that is because its in her other book which I might try to pick up soon to read through. But I read through most of the intro part of the teacher's manual and flipped through parts of several lessons. I wish it were already August so I could start it! I only bought the game book, the teacher's manual, and the phonogram cards b/c my only goal this summer is to do the intro work with my preschooler so he can sit with us in the fall, but I hope to buy her book soon and the rest in July.


The only thing I'm not sure whether I like so far is the fact that it is a hard cover book means I'll need something to prop it up on. And I'm realizing it doesn't cover the advanced phonograms but I think that is only 2% of words and those are probably covered in the word roots book coming out later.....

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Mine's being delivered on Tuesday :drool:


Can't wait to get it in my hands. We'll have to compare notes:001_smile:







What did you order to use with your 5 & 7 year olds? I'm working on an order and a little uncertain. :001_smile:

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What did you order to use with your 5 & 7 year olds? I'm working on an order and a little uncertain. :001_smile:


Well, I ordered the TM and manuscript workbook for dd7, but couldn't see spending the money for a workbook for dd5 just yet. I thought I'd start with phonogram review and slowly move through the program with her and, if need be, have her use a whiteboard or paper for now. I figure she'll have to roll through the program again when she's a bit older (unless she comes out with a different level more appropriate) so I'm just going to skim the surface for now. For dd 7, I bought the whole kit and kaboodle:001_unsure: The supplemental materials (which I probably didn't need) I bought included the phonogram cards (okay, I do need them actually), grammar cards (yeah, I know . . .), spelling book (not even sure what this is, really), and rule cards.


I think you could get away with just the TM and one workbook for now, and maybe the phonogram cards. When I think dd5 is ready for her own workbook, I'll buy it then.


Good luck,


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Thanks Lisa :001_smile:


It all looks so good. I am carefully pondering what to do for my middlers. The author made some recommendations based upon my kids' skills and experience. If I add it all up..... Whew. :001_smile:


Gee . . . I never thought to ask the author's recommendation. I forgot they have a forum. Hmm, I might have to hop over there. What did she recommend, if you don't mind me asking?



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Mine's being delivered on Tuesday :drool:


Can't wait to get it in my hands. We'll have to compare notes:001_smile:





So, what do you think? I just received Uncovering the Logic of English this afternoon from Amazon. I am on Chapter 7 already and LOVE it. The Essentials program sounds really promising.

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:bigear: I'd love to hear Lisa's preliminary thoughts. I ordered Denise's book also but I'm still uncertain about what parts of Essentials to order. I think that studying through the program with each of my children could prove beneficial. My oldest is a natural speller but I think LOE studied at an accelerated, intensive pace for a few months would iron out wrinkles and improve his reading and spelling.


My middle guy is using AAS2 right now. I really like AAS and I'm also considering AAR for my daughter. It's tough to determine if I could use Essentials with her and if I would find it easy to use. The idea of using one comprehensive, easy to use manual for all levels is attractive. I am also switching her to cursive. We also like FLL and I wonder if my rising 2nd grader could handle the grammar in LOE. These questions give me pause as the workbook integrates everything (though the grammar portion can be skipped).


I wonder how Essentials will compare to the leveled programs she is writing. We can't wait for it for my daughter and I need to decide right away between AAR and LOE. I am leaning toward AAR but that will get really spendy and we might be spinning our wheels awaiting the next level. Aghhhhhhhh!

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I ripped my WRTR manual apart, 3 hole punched it, and then group just the pages I am currently using, into a thin "book" with brass tacks and card stock covers. Would that work with LOE? I know we all have a knee jerk reaction to cutting apart a $100.00 book.


Do you just teach with 1 page a day? Would it work well to put that page into a sheet protector, and just have a single page to hold while teaching?

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I just received the Logic of English today and can't wait to read it. Denise Eide also has a video on You Tube that discusses the book. I haven't had a chance to sit and watch it since it is about 40 minutes long.


I would love to hear everyone's comments as they begin to use the program. I can't find many reviews when I do a google search. I have already exceeded my budget, but am hoping to get this eventually.



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