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Do you Homeschool All year Round?

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I tend to stick pretty close to what our schools do, as my children like to play with a lot of neighborhood children and engage in a lot of summer activities that might be more difficult if we were still also trying to formally school all summer.


The summers absolutely fly by, and I do all my planning then, so I'm not sure how I could school all summer, too.



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I prefer to do the year round thing but at this point-- we are pretty much following the school year schedule. My children have so many friends in our neighborhood that it just seems to work better (for now) following that schedule. We certainly will do some school things over the summer but it won't be full school days!

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Ok I was wondering If you do Homeschool all year round how do you go about how many days you take off and such? Currious because DH and I was thinking of doing it since Jacob Likes to do school work, Even over the summer he will get books out and work things.


For 2 years what we did was take the whole month of December off then took the 1 week off every 9 weeks. At another time we went with 9 weeks with 3 weeks off. Personally I like having the whole month of December off then take 2 weeks off every 9 weeks.


Now we go by TOG units which is usually between 8-9 weeks then take 2-3 weeks off depending on the month ending of. We also take the day off when dh is home.


First of all you need to see what your state law requires. Mine requires only 180 days of school. So you can go with that or in my case I just school as usual to my schedule and still get about 200 days of school or more.


You can go with whatever your curriculam is and see where you want a break for yourself to plan or gain sanity back for yourself. There are so many ways of doing it.





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I forgot to post my reasons for schooling year round....


The first two years of homeschooling it was a battle to get the kids back to schooling at home when summer break was over. The 3rd year I decided to give it a try with schooling year round with breaks throughout and it worked out great. No more fighting or tears since then. We do not school in all subjects in the summer. We keep up with Math, reading and writing. Science and History only happens if there is a need. I tend to do more gardening in the summer and the kids help me with it as well as learn about plant life. However this year we will do history throughout the summer because we are behind due to my surgery from last year. We are still playing catch up. It will be a light school in the summer though.



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