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Dr. Hive-What do you think?

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My dh has had a myriad of health problems that seem unrelated, but I am beginning to think they are related. We were leaning toward fibro, but now I am unsure. Maybe someone here has an idea.


His entire life he has had joint/tendon issues. He had knee problems from a very young age, and has had two lateral releases done. Both times they removed a lot of "debris" from the knee. The diagnoses: poor genetics.


Around 4 years ago he began having neck and back trouble. We thought it was due to various trauma (car wrecks, wild childhood, etc.) He had two dessicated discs. This past fall he had a fusion of two discs and more "debris" removed, including a spur that was pressing on his spinal cord. His pain hasn't improved really. He has a muscle in his back that has been in a state of spasm for 4 years. He has numbness, tingling and pain in his hands. His neck hurts.


He has also started having foot and leg pain for no apparent reason. He has a very hard time getting up in the mornings, or after sitting for very long. They did a full body bone scan with normal results.


He has also had a colon rupture this past fall, shortly after his neck surgery. It was due to diverticulitis. He still cannot eat a lot of foods without having trouble the next day.


He has had a history of elevated white blood cell count, even as a teen, but nothing has ever been found to cause it.


He is hypoglycemic. If he is sick, or if he doesn't eat a certain way, his sugar will bottom out.


Last night, while helping his dad replace a water line, he injured his hip. He was running a ditch witch, and he said he just felt it go. He hasn't been to the doctor yet, but will be going soon. He feels like something happened in the joint. He can barely get up or down this morning.


He is only 38 years old.


Anyone have ANY ideas?

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This might seem way out there.........and maybe it is, but I have heard that in some cases, fibro is caused by celiac or gluten intolerance.


If he could handle it, it might be worth a try of a gluten free diet. Just make sure to read EACH and EVERY label of any packaged foods as gluten is in EVERYTHING.

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two questions -


can you describe his joint / tendon issues?




Does he have to carb load with the hypoglycemia to stay up?


For the joint/tendon: He has had knee trouble since he was small. His first dislocation was as a pre-teen, and he has had multiple dislocations in both knees. His knees pretty much always hurt, and navigating steps or walking downhill is painful for him. He ends up with a lot of junk under the patella, causing grinding. He also has tendons/ligaments that were too tight, causing the patella to pull to one side. He has been told that he will be looking at joint replacement in the knees. He does have some degree of arthritis in his knees.


A similar thing appears to be happening in his upper spine. The discs are wearing out, and the fluid is gone in two of them. There were also spurs and debris in between the discs. Discs 5, 6 and 7 are now fused.


The bone scan results were normal :glare:


As for the hypo- If he doesn't eat until dinner time, he is ok through most of the day, but will eat like it is going out of style from dinner until bedtime....sometimes with a sugar drop. If he doesn't eat breakfast, then eats anything remotely carb-y before dinner, it is a guaranteed crash. If he eats small meals throughout the day with protein at each meal, he does better. Once it crashes, it will come back up with a dose of honey or peanut butter, but he feels awful the rest of the day. If he has been sick, or is taking certain meds, it crashes more. He has had it drop below 60 quite often. I have never seen it swing high.

Edited by Apryl H
My grammar hasn't had enough coffee this morning
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