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Creek Edge Press Task Cards


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There was a giant thread about these when they first came out last year. Several people purchased card sets, including me! I thought I'd start a new thread to see how people have been using them and if you still like them as much as you thought you would.


I have to say that the cards looks deceptively simple. It seems like it wouldn't be hard to pull together on your own, however, now that I have several sets and have really gone through them card by card I can see the genius and labor involved in pulling the curriculum together.


A long-term schooling goal for our kids is for them to be independent, taking charge of their education within a parental provided framework because I think that is the key to being a life-long learner. These cards are going to be hard for ME because I know I am going to have trouble staying in a supportive role!


We haven't used the cards much because my DD was an emergent reader this year and I'd already planned a good deal of our school year out prior to its start. However, we are definitely going to be using the Life Science and Ancient History sets next year.


Thoughts? http://www.creekedgepress.com/

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I started with the physics set. I got super excited and bought several more sets. The cards really helped transition ds to being more independent. They were also helpful in teaching about how to do research. However, I don't know if it was the subject or the curriculum, but boy was it boring. :D I finally let go of it and decided it was time for him to move on. I haven't used any of the other sets yet. My younger ds is still working on reading. I prefer to use the cards when he can do it more himself.

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I have been using task cards occasionally when the kids and I need some time apart. Most of their school is done right in front of me and at certain times I want to be able to work in the kitchen by myself so I send them off to work on task cards. This is only probably once a week but they enjoy it and it lets me regroup for an hour or so.

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Very happy with them and plan to purchase more through the years. I am using the Life Science to supplement Noeo Biology. They mesh very well together. I agree with the other post - they "seem" simple, but I could not do this myself. They follow a nice outline for the course and I like the flow of each card.

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I just had the chance to review these - using the American History set. I love them, but have only been using them in coordination with our TOG. I like the independent aspect of them. I am about to order the Earth and Space cards to go with our Astronomy unit.

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It seems like folks are using them in conjunction with something else. Could they be used on their own if one used all the supplemental material and followed rabbit trails? Particularly for American history?



They can definitely be used on their own. They are for K-8th though, except for Art and Artists - they meet high school standards for Fine Arts.

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