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Judge this "art"

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Please be the judge! What is considered "normal" for a preschooler and art? I have pictures here that my 32month old daughter drew; compared to portraits I drew of myself when I was three or four years old. To my mommy eyes, it looks like my two year old is kicking my butt!



Then again, what if a three year old me wasn't the normal one? What if I was a really delayed artist as preschooler? I'm not sure...

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I think both yours fall within the realm of normal and that your dd is a little ahead of the curve. I don't keep most of the drawing my kids did as preschooler's though I have a few pieces around here. I have only 1 currently on my computer, this one my dd drew about 6 weeks after her 4th birthday, so older than your dd, I have to say she is much better than my ds8 even at 4, my oldest 2 were very good at a young age too. She was drawing a picture of me pregnant with her and 2 of her siblings in it. I am fairly sure she was mad at ds13 that day and that is why she never drew him.

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I can't remember when my kids started drawing 'people'. I'm sure I have them scanned somewhere, lol...


I did find this from when my dd was about 30 months. The picture on the left was me giving her an example, the one on the right was all her.



ETA: Thanks for this thread! I'm going through old pictures the kids drew and it's just too fun! I found a whole bunch of people from ds when he was almost 3.5 - he drew lots of relatives and it's so amusing!!!



Edited by CourtneyB
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It seems normal to me. My son was not drawing that early, but he couldn't wield the crayon very well at that time. Now at 5 he can draw decently. On the other hand our dd was drawing people with heads, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair, trunk, limbs, and hands and feet at 25.5 months. That was ahead of the curve. At 18 she is still very artistic.


I think your dd's art is lovely. :) In those early years art varies so much due to physical development. One person's fine motor skills with tools can be much higher than the next, so you can't always see the natural artistic ability as clearly. I think that early drawing does at least show strong fine motor skills.


I am sure your enthusiasm will encourage her with her new found skills. :)

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Pretty normal, but slightly ahead, imo. Usually the first sign a child is about to draw people is a cross. Circles are common, too. I always told my preschool parents, when showing them self-portraits and family pics their kiddo drew, "Children draw what they know, not what they see. After all, no one in your family looks like this, do they?" (Just wanted to be sure...:D)


Wish I could find it, but there's a funny cartoon of Picasso's parents--they are all Cubist-looking! :lol:

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I think both yours fall within the realm of normal and that your dd is a little ahead of the curve. I don't keep most of the drawing my kids did as preschooler's though I have a few pieces around here. I have only 1 currently on my computer, this one my dd drew about 6 weeks after her 4th birthday, so older than your dd, I have to say she is much better than my ds8 even at 4, my oldest 2 were very good at a young age too. She was drawing a picture of me pregnant with her and 2 of her siblings in it. I am fairly sure she was mad at ds13 that day and that is why she never drew him.



That is so cute! Thank you everyone for your thoughts.

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