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Storm Shelters Above/Below ground

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We are having a storm shelter installed on our property. It's a bit complicated, but basically, we bought this place after a nasty tornado came blasting through Alabama last year. Because our area was heavily hit, the previous owners filled out paperwork for government reimbursed storm shelters (they reimburse 75%). They ordered an above-ground shelter.


Even though we are in the process of buying this place, it's still in their name and the shelter was approved. My mother/step-father (who live on the acreage next door) bought a below ground shelter.


Yesterday, my mother called to say they had changed their minds and now wanted an above ground shelter - she didn't say why. Since my husband wants a below-ground, they wanted to see if we could 'switch' shelters. (I don't think the company will allow this, but for the sake of discussion, let's assume they would).


I'm a bit suspicious of her change of mind and I'm looking for pros and cons of above and below ground shelters. I'd love to hear from anyone with thoughts about them, and also with thoughts about what items you keep in a shelter. It doesn't look very big...

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We are looking at having a shelter put in at the house we are purchasing. I would prefer below-ground, but we aren't sure yet if the water table is too high for that on the property. Another thing we need to consider is the possibility of my in-laws moving in with us at some point. It would be difficult for either of them to go up or down safely.

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The above ground shelter will not be built into the home but instead placed on the property. This lot is on one acre, but adjoins our other land which is 10 acres. My mother's property is about 20 acres on the other side. We have plenty of room. :)

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We have actually had both. Our old house had an in-ground shelter, and our current house has a safe room. I much prefer the safe room. It is essentially a steel closet bolted in our slab foundation and is installed in the storage room area of our garage.


The main reason I prefer the above ground shelter is we don't have to go outside in the elements during bad weather. It is much easier to access with no stairs. We don't have to go in there until the storm arrives. When my girls were small and in carriers, I would have to prepare to go to the in-ground shelter way before the storm arrived. Now if you have an in-ground shelter installed under your house beforehand or in a place like under a porch, then that situation may be different.


I would still probably prefer the safe room because I don't worry about getting "stuck" in there either like I did the in-ground. The door opens to the inside on the safe room.


I don't keep anything out there. But I do keep a "tornado bag" near the back door to grab on the way out there. There is a portable light, flashlights, batteries, first aid kit, etc. in the bag. If a bad weather outbreak is forecast, I go ahead and take everything out there including a blanket and small chairs. I grab the cordless and my cell phone at the last minute.


Now matter which one you go with, it will bring piece of mind. I am next door in MS, and I am so thankful we have a safe place to go.

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