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Supplementing RightStart B with Horizon, Singapore, or other

Papillon Mom

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I'm looking to supplement RightStart B with another math. This year we did Horizon K which has gone great. Singapore math seems so popular that I am tempted to switch to that. Horizon seems to be much less popular. Is there a good reason for this? Thanks!

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I am using a Right Start/Singapore combo. DS has finished the 1B textbook and is working through the Intensive Practice and Challenging Word Problems books along side the end of RS B (he's on lesson 76). He will do the first part of RS C along side Singapore 2A but I am not sure how long I will continue using RS. I like the higher levels of Singapore much better than I like the higher levels of RS.


Singapore is a good complement to RS because they both are based on the Asian way of teaching math. Additionally, one of Singapore's strengths is word problems, which happens to be a weakness of RS.


The advantage to using Horizons as a supplement to either RS or Singapore would be the spiral format. Both Singapore and RS are mastery/"soft spiral" programs where the student focuses on one topic at a time. RS does have the warmups and Singapore Stds. ed. does have the end-of-chapter reviews, but Horizons has a lot more review built-in to each lesson.


My oldest DD is using a combo of Horizons Pre-Algebra with Singapore Discovering Math 1.

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We are doing rightstart B. I started to supplement with Singapore, but I found I really didn't need to because there was so much overlap. I am sorry I bought Singapore 1A/1B. Now I'm supplementing with Christian Light Education Math 106-110. There is more fact drill, more spiral, and more introduction of other topics than there is in RSB. This is not to say I don't like Singapore; I do!!! It just was too much like RS to be a good supplement for us.


Next year, I am planning to use Singapore and CLE, but I will always appreciate the excellent base Rightstart gave us and I will be using Rightstart with my second son next year.

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Horizons seems to be a good supplement for Singapore or RS because it has a lot of drill and practice problems, and the approach is different.


I use Horizons as my main math program, and dh (with an engineering degree) and I are very pleased with it. I supplement with some of the Singapore materials (CWP, Mental Math, Extra Practice workbooks). This is basically the reverse of what it sounds like you are doing, and it works well.

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We started supplementing RS B with Singapore 1A in the beginning of the year, but now I am using MEP. I like that MEP is free :) I also had trouble using all the Singapore books after getting used to having the RS scripted lessons. This was just a personal preference :)

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