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What level is Breaking the Spanish Barrier Beginner?

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My daughter just finished using the beginner level of Breaking the Spanish Barrier, which we bought as a supplement for Rosetta Stone Spanish III. The material in BSB was excellent- in fact, I can guarantee that it is far beyond a level one course, as my dd took Spanish I at a community college and they didn't even touch most of what was in the book. For transcript purposes, can anyone tell me what they would call the beginner level of this book? I would say it is at least Spa. II, but I am thinking that somewhere out there is a list of what is traditionally covered (verb tenses, etc.) for each level of foreign language, so that I can get an accurate gage.


Many thanks!


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I would think it is Spanish 1. It seems relatively similar to A Beka Spanish 1?


However, I am just attending with my children and (barely) assisting the teacher with some correcting.


The only way I could see having it be Span 1 & Span 2 might be if there was a very extensive conversational aspect added?


Lisa j, mom to 5

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