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Can you walk if you have broken your ankle?...

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my 25 yo dd was walking across the street and twisted her ankle on uneven concrete on the curb. This was on Thursday. She has been icing it and keeping it elavated from Friday night on. The swelling has gone down. It is very black and blue. She is wondering if she should go to the doctor tomorrow to make sure it is not broken. What do you think?

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My dd broke her ankle a few years ago--she was still able to walk--but I took her in 'just in case' and was SURPRISED that it really was broken!


My dad stepped in a gopher hole on a golf course and 'twisted' his ankle--but still managed to finish the last 12 holes of golf before he drove himself to the Dr....they had to CUT his shoe off!!! It was a BAD break too...


I'd take her in.


There are several OTHER injuries that could actually be WORSE than a break that should be checked out ASAP.


((hugs)) to your dd!

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Yes, you can walk on a broken ankle.

Years ago my dad thought he had twisted his ankle, even had it checked (not x-rayed) by his local GP. Turns out the ankle was broken and walking on it had moved the ankle bone out of place. He ended up having surgery to pin it back in place.

If it were me I'd definitely have dd x-rayed just to be sure.

Hope she's all well again soon!

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