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Random question #437

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Ok, so I haven't posted 436 previous random questions, but I'm sure I've had at least that many pop up in my head in the last month, or so.


If a Mary Kay consultant earns her pink caddie, then decides after a few years to stop selling, does she have to give up the car? What if she's still a consultant, but after a few years she decides she wants a new car? Does she get a new pink one or can she trade in the first MK car to any random car dealer or does it have to go back to the MK company?


These questions popped up in my head because there's a lady who lives not far from me driving a MK pink Escalade. She must be doing well in her MK business.

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Via internet search:

So You Got the Car. Now What?

Once a consultant “wins†their car, they DO NOT own it, nor do they get to keep it unless they and their team maintain a specified level of production for every month that follows. Mary Kay actually calls the arrangement a “Co-op Leaseâ€. Depending on the net production of your team, you will either owe the full lease payment, a portion of it, or nothing. The lease agreement lasts for 24 months. If you fail to meet minimum production requirements for several months, you will lose the car.



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