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Those who did the GAPS diet....

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Did you just use the book? The cooking DVD? The probiotics? All three? How long did the initial "heal & seal" take you (since I read it varies case by case)?


:lurk5: TIA!


I HAVEN"T done it, but I've been looking into it. The intro diet is on the website, she offers that for free, and suggests doing it for I think 4-6 weeks before going full GAPS. I've also read the healing process can take up to 2 years or more, but it all varies on your own healing. if you feel benefits from the diet already, then you add in one offending food at a time, and if you have a reaction, back off and wait a few more months.

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I have the book, the DVDs, Internal Bliss, the GAPS Guide, and a couple of SCD and Paleo cookbooks what are full GAPS-friendly. Our family uses Bio-Kult currently, but I'm thinking about switching to Custom Probiotics or GutPro, at the very least to alternate doses with Bio-Kult. Bio-Kult is just so very expensive, and we go through a ton of it. We are also under the care of a naturopath and taking some whole food supplements, herbal remedies, and homeopathics.


"Heal and seal" is going to vary widely from person to person. I know a person who has had to go back to intro repeatedly over the course of two years, and she is still experiencing problems with inflammation. Our family did not have significant digestive issues and a relatively low level of reactivity to foods. We sped through intro, and now we continuing on full GAPS. Our slant on the GAPS diet is heavily inspired by Dr. Terry Wahl's diet (google her + TED and watch the video—highly recommend!). We're not planning to reintroduce grains, potatoes, or sweeteners other than honey until after a full year, and then we'll see how we feel on modest amounts of those individual foods. We are not planning to ever have a grain-based diet again, but we do miss sushi. :D


So far, the diet has helped everyone in the family, including my ds (DCD, SPD, expressive language disorder, hypotonia, etc.).


Thanks! What do you think helps you the most to actually make the food regularly in first few weeks/months? Does the DVD help a lot? Using the other books? :lurk5:

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The GAPS Guide was very helpful for planning the Intro stage and understanding some of the issues that arise. I would definitely get that one. Not all the recipes in Internal Bliss are Intro-friendly and some recipes were just not at all yummy, so that was frustrating for me. The DVDs are quite good at giving clear directions, but ultimately not as useful for me as GAPS Guide because I have already been following many of the WAPF guidelines for food preparation, so there wasn't a whole lot that was new to me.


My best advice is to start integrating some Intro meals into your current diet. That way, you guys won't be entirely overwhelmed by unfamiliar foods on the diet. Give yourself several weeks (if not months) to transition into the Intro diet. Start to eliminate a few foods at a time while talking to your kids about the science behind the diet. (My dh brought home slides of damaged intestinal tissue for us all to look at through a microscope—dorky homeschoolers that we are :D). Learn to culture yogurt and make stock before you begin the diet.


A couple of weeks before you officially begin, look at the allowed foods, then plan to cook huge batches of stocks, soups, and meats to keep in the freezer. When you are on Intro, have your veggies chopped and ready in the fridge. We ate a lot of chicken soup, variations on a Korean beef soup, had pot-au-feu meals, boiled brisket, etc. You could look at the various GAPS blogs to find additional recipe ideas.


There's also a very (VERY) active Yahoo group for GAPS. There is a wealth of information there.


It gets much easier once you are past Intro. Once you are on full GAPS, I cound Everyday Grain-Free Gourmet to be a really helpful cookbook. It's written for those doing the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, but it's GAPS-friendly.


Thank you so much!! :D

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I highly recommend the ebook "What Can I Eat Now" 30 day meal plan from healthhomehappy.com


We have been through intro twice, and the e-book made time number 2 so very much easier!


The first time we used the original GAPS book and the GAPS guide. I think you could do it easily with the new edition GAPS book, the e-book, and recipes gathered from all the GAPS blogs out there.


The diet is amazing- I'm going back on intro on Monday! (and I am actually excited about it!). Maybe someone should start a WTM GAPS community group? I'd be happy to join...

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