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Anyone familiar with Visual Link Spanish?

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Effective only because we first did an excellent and intense year of Galore Park Spanish. Had we not started with that we all agree that VL would have bombed big time. As it is my dc enjoy the review and the different activities (I find them playing the games more than studying/listening to the vocabulary :glare:) and I think they are reinforcing what they learned last year along with learning some new stuff. I purchased Level 2 and am hoping it is less review and more new/challenging material for next year.

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My son has just finished Visual Link and has learned a lot. I think it does a decent job of teaching verb conjugations. Doing a grammar workbook might be a good addition. And of course, what is missing is conversation.


We did do 4 years of The Learnables prior to VL so he had a pretty good vocabulary before starting.

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Visual Link Spanish will definitely not be a bomb. In all honesty, we have not done enough of it for me to give you a thorough review. We went through about 20 lessons, then my son started an IRL Spanish class, so we stopped Visual Link Spanish. But we enjoyed what we did, and we intend to pick it back up when his current class is finished.

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I started using the Visual Link program level 1 in the middle of January and I have found it extremely easy to learn Spanish using this program! The thing that I find most useful are the audio CDs since I have a 35-40 minute drive to work every morning. The games in the software are a fun and easy way to review everything I learn! Love the program and am planning on purchasing level 2 when I finish level 1! :)

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It worked really well here. My did spent all of her 10th grade year and the summer after working through Visual Link Spanish I and about half of Visual Link Spanish II. It gave her a really good foundation for the Spanish I class she took at the cc last semester. Now she is taking Spanish II at the cc and it is beyond where she got to in Visual Link, so it is harder, but she still feels like Visual Link gave her a great foundation.

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Guest kishoreholla

Visual Link Spanish is the best program I have come across for begining and intermediate levels. I have purchased all three levels plus the comprehension package as well. My spanish has improved leaps and bounds and everyone here in Chile are surprised and complementing me. It is well designed with initial practice of sentence building which makes you to talk in spanish immedietly. Then you are taken through the detailed verb drills. Even these are made very easy by grouping the verbs in a manner which is esay to remember. After this course you really get an interest in the Spanish Language and end up searching and trying to get some more. Please do not have any doubt in mind and buy it immedietly. Ofcourse, like some one has suggested, wait for discounts.

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