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Should I see the doctor?

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I had my gallbladder removed laparoscopically 25 days ago. So I have three very small incisions that are healing nicely. One has already completely healed up....the other two are not far behind. However, during surgery, I was burned. (???) I guess to stop bleeding, they will burn the artery....and it hit my skin somehow. So it left a burn about the size of an eraser head. Well, it scabbed over just fine.


Tonight I looked at my tummy and the edge of the scab was lifted up....and I could see a hole underneath. :001_huh: I don't know how deep it is because it's sort of dark in there LOL. It was oozing a bit....clear that was tinted slightly pink, I guess from a bit of blood. It doesn't hurt at all. The skin around it is pink...which is new skin, I guess.


I put some antibiotic cream on it and covered it.


Should I call the doctor tomorrow? I've never had a scab ooze. I certainly do not want an infection.

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Call the surgeon. Did the surgeon suture the little incision? I'm only asking because the "hole" you saw under the scab may be due to a suture that your body didn't absorb. Your body won't heal because it's trying to get rid of the little thread, so you might get a scab, but when it comes off, the hole will still be there. The doctor can usually just pull out the suture (and you might feel a bit of pressure, but it shouldn't be painful, and it will only take a matter of seconds. It happened to me and I was wondering if it would be a big deal, but it honestly was nothing to worry about -- I didn't even need any kind of anesthetic.)

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