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BJU chemistry LABS??

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I am trying to get things ready for Chemistry. DS is going through Teaching company chmeistry DVDs for now. I will be getting the BJU chemistry book. I need to know the best price to get a lab kit for BJU chemistry program.

ETA: I am also looking that the "Home lab for Chemistry" Not sure of the exact title but a guy named Thompson did these series. It has been talked about on this board quiet a few times. I am thinking about tying this into BJU Chemsitry...Good idea??





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We started BJU Physics, and the supply list was triple that is above, luckily I borrowed most of it. I would be tempted to take off the last third or fourth in case you don't get that far. Also, when you start the dvds, sometimes the teacher does the lab for you. Some are very complicated to do at home. And.... sometimes a lab is cancelled if the class is running behind. I looked at the dvds over a few days by looking at the schedule, watching the lab (and a lot of the time, the schedule didn't match because it changed while it was being taped), and deciding if we were going to do that particular lab.

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ETA: I am also looking that the "Home lab for Chemistry" Not sure of the exact title but a guy named Thompson did these series. It has been talked about on this board quiet a few times. I am thinking about tying this into BJU Chemsitry...Good idea??


That guy is me...


The full BJUP chemistry labs are a pretty comprehensive first-year chemistry lab course, but as someone just mentioned the $253 Home Science Tools kit doesn't contain everything you need to do all the labs. Doing all of the labs as written is likely to cost you $500 or more, depending on which balance you buy. (That's comparable to the cost of the materials needed to do the labs in my Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments.)


I think you're referring to the CK01 Standard/Honors Home School Chemistry Laboratory Kit, which is microchemistry based to keep cost as low as possible. It matches up well to the BJUP labs, but is less rigorous and wide-ranging than doing the full set of BJUP chemistry labs or the IGtHCE labs.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok now I am confused. Cincy convention is next week. I am still debating labs. I really want to do BJU Chemistry. However I do need to keep my cost down. I know my son will have a blast doing the Home Lab Chemistry by Thompson (TheHomeScientist) so I have a big decision to make.


Do all BJU Chemistry labs or do Home Lab Chemistry. I will have to try to line them up with BJU.


My son is learning so much from Teaching company videos. He is passing this with flying colors including the math. He is using the workbook that came with the DVDs.


Now I am even wondering if I should even use BJU??





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My son is learning so much from Teaching company videos. He is passing this with flying colors including the math. He is using the workbook that came with the DVDs.


The material covered in the TC course is NOT a full chemistry course. The TC course addresses a few select topics and is geared towards struggling students; it is remedial help and not a stand alone course.


It is great that your son has no trouble with it; but it is neither a rigorous, nor a comprehensive course.

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I think I would start with purchasing the BJU TM's. You will then have access to the Lab Manual. From there I would pick and choose the labs you would like your ds to complete. If you will not be using the DVD classes then YOU can pick which labs are do-able in your home and even with the DVD classes not all of the labs are completed.


My middle ds used BJU with DVD classes. With that program the parent is given a list of items needed for the labs. Except for the balance which can get pricey, and the prepackaged ChemLab 1100 kit that you can shop around for, I don't recall the cost being over-the-top or ANYWHERE near $500...and I bought an expensive balance. Many items are things you can find around your home, or at Walmart. ;)


If it helps at all, BJUs Chemistry was my sons very favorite science class ever.

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I am not seeing the DVDs on BJU that I can actually buy and own. Are you talking about the rental DVD from BJU?



Yes. I own them because I had the BJU satellite before it went out of commission. But, yes, the BJU online classes or the DVD rental option is the exact equivalent of what we used. (the satellite classes were the DVD classes aired via satellite)

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I would suggest taking a look at BJU Chemistry 3rd Ed. Labs before you buy if you are going to convention. The 3rd edition has many alternate labs for homeschool as well as substitution recommendations to keep the cost down and still have a meaningful lab experience.

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Chemistry 3rd Edition just came out last year. I used the labs with my co-op class because I really did not like Abeka labs and was looking for something new for this coming year (I do Chem every other year). I am fortunate enough to have an amazing science lab at home but I was really impressed with how BJU had redone their labs to make them more homeschool friendly. They give lots of suggestions for equipment and chemical substitutions or low cost alternatives. It really is much easier for home use than the previous version.

And yes, this is the 3rd edition of BJU Chemistry. I should have been more clear, sorry.

Edited by athomeinMT
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The dvds would be great but I refuse to pay for something I do not get to keep. ;) Are there any dive dvds that I can use with it like it does for BJU life? (I think somebody said dive unless I am not remembering right)




Yes there is a DIVE CD for chemistry, and you could use it with the BJU Chemistry textbook.



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Is it cheaper to buy BJU at convention or not? the same?? Will other vendors sell BJU or do I have to go to BJU booth to get what I need??




Do you have a Mardel store near you? They carry BJU and have a homeschool sale at some point in May. I believe everything is 20% off. That's when I buy things I can't find used.


If you order through a consultant, you always get free shipping.

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The dvds would be great but I refuse to pay for something I do not get to keep. ;) Are there any dive dvds that I can use with it like it does for BJU life? (I think somebody said dive unless I am not remembering right)




I can totally understand that! But, honestly, it's not much different than paying for an online class, or coop course. But not everyone chooses to pay for that either. Totally understandable!


If I did not already own the classes though, and I have the 2nd edition, I would still rent the courses from BJU. To me, they are that good. I love that it's a class, with a teacher, who does daily review, pop quizzes, etc. I could live without BJUs other DVD classes, but not the science ones. I know myself too well! Haha If it were up to me to teach science, it would get done but very pathetically. I'm a history, liberal arts person...science and math? Not so much. ;)


I HAVE heard good things about DIVE.

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