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Supremely Organized School Supplies!

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Does anyone have some good systems and pictures? Where could I purchase something like this?


I'm picturing like cups/glasses things holding each thing (pencils, crayons, scissors, etc.) and all are together in some kind of tray/basket. This way the child could take either one cup/glass to another place, or the whole tray/basket.


TIA organized ones! :001_smile:

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Here's the closet I organized last summer, with a second pic of the small drawers (purchased at Wal-Mart) I use for supplies. I love the uniform look of the drawers, and everything is easy to find.


Editing to add that a cleaning caddy (green in my pic) is great for portability of markers, etc. for kids.





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I keep our pencils, colored pencils, and calligraphy pens sorted by types in mason jars on our window ledge. The ledge is within reach of the table, so it is very convenient. I also have a basket with erasers and a caddy that holds the various types of paper we use. It looks nice enough that I don't mind having the school supplies sitting in my kitchen.


My kids were wasting time looking for paper and pencils, so this has been ideal for us.



Edited by Julianna
added a photo- Thanks, Mrs. Mungo!
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We have one of those picnic table cutlery holders for everyday supplies. The basket is divided into four sections: three smaller ones for forks, knives, and spoons and a fourth larger one for napkins. We've divided the bins as follows:


1st small section: colored pencils

2nd small section: markers & pens

3rd small section: regular pencils

Large section: calculators, rulers, protractors, compasses


We have a shelf near the dining/ school table with those little drawer units from WalMart that someone else posted that contain dry erase markers, staples, elastics, post-it notes, post-it flags, flash cards, math manipulatives, blank index cards, etc. Paper is stored in magazine holders on the shelf below these drawers along with the kids' textbooks. Teacher's manuals and a bin of computer software and CDs is on the top shelf.


I'll try to post pictures later if I can. It's rather dark and gloomy for taking pictures today, but I'll give it a shot.

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Not quite what you were looking for, but this is how I organized all our school things. I am planning on doing a blogpost with details, but it won't go up until next week



I have one of these for our curriculum books and my "mom's planner" and pencils, etc. I love it! Best thing I have bought for HS so far...ok, along with my laminator!

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I have a math box. It is actually a plastic fishing tackle box. It has:


math cube blocks organized by color

Coin money


homemade math cards (old business cards)

Lots of dice


Pencil sharpener


In the main big spot:

Straws cut in half - most of them bundled up to make groups of ten

Long number lines folded up

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