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I am so stressed out

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I feel like things keep going wrong....as if "Murphy" is following me. I was supposed to have a doctors appointment last week (fertility treatments and I am supposed to be seen cycle day 2 or 3) but they had problems and misunderstandings or SOMETHING so I never got my appointment and the entire cycle had to be cancelled.


Plus, my 6 yr old has been having headaches and such so he was supposed to see the neurologist, only the neurologists office would not call me back. Everytime I would call, they would tell me they needed to call me back to make an appointment. After 3 months of that, someone there told me my son was banned from their clinic!! So, after spending more than a day calling around and getting more and more upset, I finally got someone explaining to me that my son had lots of no shows for appointments which is likely why he has been banned. I was upset as he has not had no shows, he has only ever had one appointment ever within this medical system (they had lots of clinics and locations). They started listing off dates and my son was an infant in some of these and I explained no way would he have missed an appointment a year before he was born and they asked his birthdate and then concluded that they cross filed his file. That is bad enough, but if they had returned my calls instead of ignoring me all this time, we could have straightened this out 3 months earlier. My pediatricians office was mad and said she wanted us to just go elsewhere at this point as she had been dealing with them for 3 months also.


THEN, there was the incident that I posted about earlier where I finally decided to put up the money and enroll DS in Abeka Academy only to be told that no children with any sort of disability, even if it in no way interferes with their ability to do and understand their material, are allowed to enroll in their academy program. I even told them that my son's standardized test scores from this past spring (Stanford Achievement Test) which were 98th percentile overall and they said it did not matter if he could do the work or not. They said they cannot make exceptions and they do not allow any children with any sort of disability at all to enroll in their program. I am actually still angry about that. They are supposed to be a Christian program and this is as hateful and anti-Christian as you can get. Also, they had been on my list for possible high school programs for my older 2 children as my dh had wanted them in accredited programs. But my dd has a partial mild hearing impairment (scores 99th percentile overall on ITBS) and my ds13 has a neural tube defect (Arnold Chiari type 1) and now I know that they would not be allowed to enroll there because they have these problems that could be classified as disabilities. Oh, DS13 scored an overall of 94th percentile on his ITBS last year. He is actually in public school currently and in both the gifted program and the highly gifted program. (I wonder what Abeka's stance is on aborting babies with the slightest imperfections since they make it clear that they are not good enough for their program)



SO...I am just stressed. This is just very stressful right now. So that is it. I am just stressed. I am going to head to bed now. Any encouraging words would be so nice.

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I have a suggestion for another way of looking at it all.


You were simply not meant to get pregnant this month. How do you know? because it didn't happen.


That neurologist is not the right one for your son. Pick another. And if you are still annoyed, write a letter directly to the neurologist to let him know how difficult his staff are, and how your son has suffered in the meanwhile, then let it go.


Abeka is also not right for your children. Let it go. Man, I would be mad too....what a horrible rule! I think thats grounds for a mass avoidance of Abeka, personally. I would spread it far and wide. That's pure prejudice of the most unethical nature.


We cannot know the bigger picture, but you never know whats around the corner. I take apparent difficulties like these as a sign that I am going the wrong way and life is trying to help, not hinder me, by putting road blocks in place. After I get stressed, of course.

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I have a suggestion for another way of looking at it all.


You were simply not meant to get pregnant this month. How do you know? because it didn't happen.


That neurologist is not the right one for your son. Pick another. And if you are still annoyed, write a letter directly to the neurologist to let him know how difficult his staff are, and how your son has suffered in the meanwhile, then let it go.


Abeka is also not right for your children. Let it go. Man, I would be mad too....what a horrible rule! I think thats grounds for a mass avoidance of Abeka, personally. I would spread it far and wide. That's pure prejudice of the most unethical nature.


We cannot know the bigger picture, but you never know whats around the corner. I take apparent difficulties like these as a sign that I am going the wrong way and life is trying to help, not hinder me, by putting road blocks in place. After I get stressed, of course.


:iagree: That's how I would try to look at it after I got mad as hell! For your own sanity, you need to come up with another plan.

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Wow! Sounds like you have really been going through a lot. It sounds like your circumstances have really been out of your control.


I cannot even fathom how difficult it would be to have to work with a fertility specialist. I commend you and I am praying for you. I want to encourage you to continue with your visits even though this past week has been so frustrating.


I have never heard of a clinic tell anyone to not come back. And most of the problem they have with you is of their own making. Is there anyone there that can be your advocate? Unfortunately, the attitude they seem to have toward you and your son, at this point, may even affect the care they give your son. It might be best to find another alternative.


And finally, regarding Abeka. I bet it is difficult to have been told that they would not accept your ds for enrollment. My guess is they aren't set up to give the needed attention they believe that your ds would need, and, because of this, they are not willing to take, in their eyes, the risk.


Even thoough I offer explanations, I do not want to belittle the way you have had to deal with these issues. Sometimes these things happen for a purpose we don't yet understand. Interestingly enough, all of these situations are things that you have no control over - the appointments, the hospital visits, the refusal to enroll your son. I'm not sure what is at work here, but because it is out of your control, I think that God has something better for you around the corner. Inspite all of this, there will be better days ahead, and, in hindsight, there will be questions answered.


Take care, get some alone time for yourself, and be hopeful, because there is something better, and its headed your way.


Claire in NM

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I should have made it clear that once they straightened out my son's records with the neuro office, they did offer him an appointment. It was just all the stress and arguing leading up to it and the fact that for 3 months, they did not call us back because they thought I was calling about some other child who is much older than him.

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