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The Toothless Fairy

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My friend told me about the Toothless Fairy this week. Have you heard of her? :)


Apparently on days when the kids get lots of candy (like V-Day), they can eat as much candy as they want on that one day. That night, all the leftover candy goes under the pillow (we put ours next to it). The Toothless Fairy then comes to take away ALL the candy and leaves a treat in it's place (quarters, stickers, etc)!


I told my kids about it and they were so excited! That night, they left out their last few pieces of candy. The next morning, they each had a dollar in quarters! Yay!!


Since my youngest has a mouth full of cavities and I've banned candy, this was a great way to really limit all that holiday nastiness. Turns out it was too late anyway... he chipped a tooth on a lollipop. :glare: That's what we get for allowing ONE DAY of candy!!!

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I negotiate with my kids to buy some of their candy or exchange it for other things. I would have to do this anyway because ds cannot have milk products.


For example, my kids really like Chipotle. We assign money values to various candy products, and they "sell" it to me in return for lunch at Chipotle. It gets the treat done in a much shorter span of time, and is waaaaay healthier.


If they want to keep some candy, I do allow them to do so, but they have to abide by our sugar rules. Most days no candy is eaten at all, and if they want some they have to ask. There are weeks that go by with no candy at all this way. I do not ever allow them to gorge themselves on as much candy as they want, though of course there are special occasions (birthdays, etc.) where I do allow them a lot more latitude. Because they are not used to tons of sugar, they don't usually overdo it.


If the kids do not want Chipotle or some such for lunch, sometimes they sell the candy to me for cash towards something they are saving for. It's their choice.

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