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Dr. Hive- huge recurrent bruising w/no explanation?

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Apparently they're just happy to let it go- the doctor didn't even call, he had the nurse call, so I couldn't ask questions. :/ I didn't see my regular doctor (he was out of town) and I don't have a rapport with this doctor like I do with the doctor I've seen for years- it was definitely a different experience than I am used to.


I have health insurance but it's only major medical so I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I can't really afford a lot of testing. However, if the bruising happens again, with me staying off my knees, I will definitely go to see my regular doctor.

Other than that I know I need to eat more often and more regular meals, get back to running regularly (I really do feel healthier when I do that), and I am going to try to plan a few days "off" from the kids during spring break to try to get some rest.


Well, I'm relieved for you. If your doctor didn't test your D3 levels or your B12 levels, you could try supplementing those. I felt a dramatic increase in energy levels after finding I had a B12 deficiency and started supplementing. I think low D3 levels can cause achiness.


I am gluten free now, a trial I started in October to see if it would help me feel better. I can't say it has helped overall, but initially, I did get a surge of energy. Celiac or gluten intolerance could also cause what you're expereincing, not the knee but the other stuff.


If it helps you feel better, I've talked to many, many people who are dealing with the same thing you are right now. We've wondered if it's the viruses that are going around this year. People are feeling weak, exhaused, generally unwell, and dizzy. I've never heard so much of this. No big flu this year, just mild viruses that linger and make you feel lousy.


I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:

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Well, I'm relieved for you. If your doctor didn't test your D3 levels or your B12 levels, you could try supplementing those. I felt a dramatic increase in energy levels after finding I had a B12 deficiency and started supplementing. I think low D3 levels can cause achiness.


I am gluten free now, a trial I started in October to see if it would help me feel better. I can't say it has helped overall, but initially, I did get a surge of energy. Celiac or gluten intolerance could also cause what you're expereincing, not the knee but the other stuff.


If it helps you feel better, I've talked to many, many people who are dealing with the same thing you are right now. We've wondered if it's the viruses that are going around this year. People are feeling weak, exhaused, generally unwell, and dizzy. I've never heard so much of this. No big flu this year, just mild viruses that linger and make you feel lousy.


I hope you feel better soon. :grouphug:


Thanks. The D3 is definitely worth a try- and I know that if I had seen my regular doc he would have pushed it because he's always pushing D3 for our whole family. We live in an area where Vit. D deficiencies are prevalent. I have a Vit. B complex that I can't take because it makes me throw up. Maybe I can try doing just B12 and see if that makes me sick too. I will be taking a trip to the supplement store this weekend.

Thanks for the input! I think you're right, my kids have been sick with viruses pretty much constantly this year!

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Thanks. The D3 is definitely worth a try- and I know that if I had seen my regular doc he would have pushed it because he's always pushing D3 for our whole family. We live in an area where Vit. D deficiencies are prevalent. I have a Vit. B complex that I can't take because it makes me throw up. Maybe I can try doing just B12 and see if that makes me sick too. I will be taking a trip to the supplement store this weekend.

Thanks for the input! I think you're right, my kids have been sick with viruses pretty much constantly this year!


I'd also recommend getting sufficient Vitamin C.


Praying for good health for all of you. :grouphug:

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Update: heard from the Doctor's office and everything came back in normal range! So that's great news- but no answers as to why I feel so badly and the weird bruising, which is a bit frustrating. Ah well, guess I get to follow through on my self-prescription! :)

All joking aside, I do think I need to take a break. Just a couple of days of not having to be everything to everyone and maybe, just maybe, I could feel normal again.


Thank you all for caring and checking in.


I am so relieved for you. Fatigue, swollen spleen, and swollen lymph nodes were all symptoms I had when I was diagnosed with leukemia. I didn't have the bruising, but a lot of leukemia patients do. I'm glad you got good news.

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