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The advanced grammar stage student


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Having just re-read TWTM, I am impressed how SWB comments that the important thing for grammar stage is getting the 3Rs up to snuff and adding "mental pegs" for things like science and history.


I love this approach, but how does it work with an advanced kid?


What do you do with a child who recalls nearly anything she is presented with?


I understand the deeper and wider mentality, but how EXACTLY do you do that?


How do you keep things like science and history challenging, but still remember your child is only a child? I am planning SOTW and RSO. Do we just let those things be exposure and/or learning the story at this stage?


We've kept kindergarten pretty light and self-directed. In some ways I'd like to keep first grade that way too, but in other ways I know that we are going to need to go further with a few things too.

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Introduce sci/hist topics, and then expand on them through fiction & non-fiction children's books. You can talk about events, dates, geography, etc. without getting into the details of brutal wars and stuff. You can introduce scientific terminology without getting into chemistry equations. I've never followed WTM exactly as it's written because it simply doesn't fit. I use it as a guide, not a rule.

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