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I agree with exercising regularly, it really helps to naturally speed up your metabolism, as well as feed you those positive endorphins. Switching to good fats only- really helps as well. I haven’t needed to lose too much weight in years, outside of childbirth (when I really packed on the pounds) and a stressful event a few years ago (when I just put on a few pounds- maybe 10- and I naturally go up and down about five pounds anyway). But I am happier since losing the small amount of weight that I did put on a while ago. I lost five pounds doing Turbo Fire by Beachbody some months ago and I got a great waist as well, all while eating a ton, since it was really revving up my metabolism. I still workout with various methods, yoga and Pilates, as well as Beachbody workouts and other things. When I get busy in the winter with work and homeschool, I may not get to workout as often, but I do try for a few times a week. Something is always better than nothing.


Many years ago, when I really did need to lose weight, I started by reducing carbs but that got very old quick. I moved to drinking a lot of water and eating healthier overall as well as exercising regularly to drop weight from childbirth. I also decided to eat smaller portions. All of those things worked. Then, because of health reasons, I stopped eating as much sugar. Suddenly I could eat a lot more. Later on, again mainly because of health reasons, I started eating more like a vegetarian. Lo and behold, I could eat larger portions after that lifestyle change as well. Recently, I am also eliminating most of the wheat that I consume. (It’s amazing how much more actual food our bodies can handle when we stop overloading it with things that it cannot process well.)


I am not a picture of health, there are times now when I do indulge in a dark chocolate candy bar (about half at a time), a few cookies, cake, pie, tater tots (lol), chips, or whatever. But because I am eating healthy most of the time my body can handle the occasional treat without exploding. LOL. I also snack often (albeit small sizes) and I believe that helps me to both keep my blood sugar levels even and my metabolism running smoothly.


Green tea with honey is great for a diversion when you are craving a sweet snack, as is a piece of fruit. After you cut down on sweets and junk for a while, your body really appreciates the naturally good stuff. Fall in love with healthy food, it's yummy!! So those are my quick tips for both weight loss and maintenance. :)


You can do it. You have great tips here from everyone, now for those baby steps. We are all rooting for you.


Edited by lovemykids
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Sparkpeople- Is that for accountability? That is a huge help. Beachbody also has something along those lines, I am a member. I may join the weight loss challenge group here eventually, just for positive support and or reminders to continue on the path to health. Join us; I am sure it will be fun. :)

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Sparkpeople- Is that for accountability? That is a huge help. Beachbody also has something along those lines, I am a member. I may join the weight loss challenge group here eventually, just for positive support and or reminders to continue on the path to health. Join us; I am sure it will be fun. :)


yes Sparkpeople.com is a diet/weight loss/get healthy life place. It has really helped me. I like it because it gives encouragement in lots of different ways

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"Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman changed ( and possibly saved) my life. It completely changed the way I view food and nutrition.




The book is inexpensive and exhaustively annotated. The plan/ diet is very simple. The strictest version (for weight loss) is this:



fresh fruit (at least 4 servings)

greens (aim for 1 lb a day, at least half raw)

non-starchy veggies (eggplant, peppers, etc)



limited (no more than 1 serving a day of each)

nuts (1 serving = 1/4 cup nuts or 2 tablespoons nut butter)

whole grains or starchy veggies (1 serving = about 150 calories worth-- one muffin, half bagel, one slice bread, 1/2 cup dry oats, 1/4 cup dry brown rice, 1 small potato etc)

avocado (1 serving = 2 oz)


eliminate or strictly limit

sugar and sweeteners, refined grains, fruit juice, meat, dairy, eggs, oils


If you want to eat meat and dairy it should be lean/ lowfat and no more than 10% of your daily intake (about 1 serving). So if you eat 1500 cal a day it should be about 150 cal worth.


You can have up to 1 tablespoon of olive oil a day, for slower weight loss.


I am never hungry eating this way and some days am eating all day long. If I do get hungry I grab some fruit. I've followed ETL off and on for years and am trying it again strictly to lose the last bit of baby weight.


Even if you can only follow the plan 50% you are still eating much better than the SAD.



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