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Does your young child have JRA?

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My 4yo niece was diagnosed yesterday. Today my sister is reeling with the news and trying to make an informed decision regarding treatment.


Her rheumatologist wants to put Elizabeth on methotrexate but has given Sis and DH a month to research because of the side effects. She's offered no other options if they refuse methotrexate.


Sis can do the research, but I thought if I could put her in touch with someone who is in the trenches of this disease and could offer insight from a parent's POV, maybe it would help.


If you are willing to email with my sister, I'd appreciate a PM. She is a pretty private person, but this task is very daunting, so I think she will be glad of the help.


Thank you!

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My friends daughter has it and they did not go the route of metho. I dont remember what they decided to use. I would ask her but her son is in the hospital right now just having a bone marrow transplant and things arent well.


I know that from my experiences with kids and drs is that I would go and get a second and possible third opinion. RA is an autoimmune disease so it is possible that a diet change can help.


I wish her luck

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My DD was diagnosed at age 2. She is now 6 and has been on methotrexate for 4 years. The Dr. probably didn't give alternatives because there really aren't other medical alternatives that have fewer side effects than methotrexate. The others are all more aggressive. However, some people believe diet changes can help, and she might try that for this month before getting on meds and just see if the inflammation goes down at all. Is she on naproxen or something similar in the meantime? I was told you want to treat immediately as the longer the inflammation rages, the greater the possibility of long-lasting joint damage.

I'm happy to talk with her; PM me and I'll give you my e-mail if you want.

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