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Craigslist question: won't take my phone number

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I'm trying to put a car up for sale. I got the email saying I had to enter my phone number and they would auto-call me to give me the verification number. It says it can't "verify" my number. I emailed them and got a copy of what I'd already read: no, I'm not from overseas, yes, it is the correct number, etc.


What does one do next?

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Are you creating the listing on a smart phone? Sounds similar to what happened to me a few months ago, the only time I used my iPhone to create a craigslist posting. I think it may be a security procedure due to the fact that whereas a regular computer has a traceable ISP number, a phone posting may not? I dunno... It was legit, though.


I have made all subsequent cl postings from my laptop, it's just faster.

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Are you creating the listing on a smart phone? Sounds similar to what happened to me a few months ago, the only time I used my iPhone to create a craigslist posting. I think it may be a security procedure due to the fact that whereas a regular computer has a traceable ISP number, a phone posting may not? I dunno... It was legit, though.



No, regular land line listed under the name I emailed them under.

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Are you using a computer or a smartphone to set up the listing though? How are you making the posting, not what kind of number it is?


A computer. They ask for an email addy. The email they send you has a link where you put in a phone number, which they will call in 5 minutes with a code you then enter into the ad before it will be accepted. They won't call me because they say they cannot "verify" the number.

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I find that odd. At least in our area, I have not experienced this other than when I posted something via my phone. At that time I think I just followed the instructions they sent me in a text; I can't remember what the next step was.


I thought I'd listed something else since then, but maybe not.... We've been redoing a house and I've bought a lot of stuff, maybe that's what I've been thinking of...


Perhaps this is something new to prevent scam posts? I have something to list so I will try to get it on tomorrow. I'll let you know what I experience (something is telling me I'll probably end up hoping *you* figured it out so you can explain it to me!).

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There is a 1+ already in the boxes. To whom do I send a complaint. I email contact us and get an autoreply.


That is a very good question then. The last time I used craigslist, there were still real people answering their emails.


The phone verification page (http://www.craigslist.org/about/help/phone_authentication) just links to the standard contact us form too. And searching the help forum (https://forums.craigslist.org/?forumID=9) brings up no real solutions. Although some people have had luck just starting over (rather than "reposting" the ad)


Sorry. I guess I'm no help.

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