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I need a new French 3 plan -

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My oldest daughter has just finished her second year of French (Latin in 9th, Le Francais Facile 1 in 10th, LFF 2 in 11th) and would like to continue.


Our original plan was a conversational French class at the local college over the summer and then French at the CC in the fall. But the conversational class was canceled (not enough students - they may offer it in the fall but they can't be sure :glare:) and I am getting a serious run around from the CC about registering her for the French class (here in NYC the CCs don't play nicely with homeschoolers and I need a back-up plan!)


She has a good grasp of the grammar and vocabulary, does well with translating, keeps an *angsty* (her word - she thinks it is funny!) French journal and, I think, is very ready for French 3 and learning to really read in French. But I was hoping for a real live class so she could learn to speak- kwim? I thought that was more important than going on with the book work.


I looked at Breaking the Barrier 3 and I liked it - but no audio component at all. I have considered the Potter's School French 3 - better than just a book, I think. But the price tag is hefty (the CC class is supposed to be free - can't beat that!) and I wonder how she will like it - LFF is probably very different than BJU.


Well, just writing it out has made me realize that the Potters School is probably a very good option but - is there something else that I haven't thought of? Like maybe magical powers that stop bureaucrats from saying "OH - we have never dealt with a homeschooler, let me find out and get back to you." and then forgetting all about me and never calling back - rinse/repeat 2 weeks later - wait, this sentence is getting away from me - where was I? Oh - magical powers that STOP them from doing that! Or, maybe, another curriculum/program that will work well?


Can you tell that I am a little hysterical about this? I was so sure that I had a workable plan and I have no money left for the Potters School - well, not without readjusting a lot of other plans for the school year.

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I'd take a look at French in Action. If your dd is ready for French 3, she would be at about the 2nd half of French in Action. Have her start watching the videos at www.learner.org until she starts to struggle, then drop back a couple of lessons and buy the appropriate audio cds and workbooks. French in Action done right is not cheap (you really need the audio cds and the workbooks), but it is the best program available imho for high school level. Cds are available at the library (or through library loan) and the workbooks can be purchased used.


If she can get all the way through French in Action, she's read to start reading literature on her own. There comes a point where it's essential to learn how to learn. A book recently recommended on these boards is really excellent for teaching that (Language Logic) but so far it's only available through Amazon Canada. I just got it and am in the process of reading it, but it gives many suggestions for self-teaching. Another great book (older) is Barry Faber's book "How to learn any language" which gives a very good method of learning to read/self teaching.


Finally, check out Euronews (video/audio daily news program). I like it alot because the stories are only a few minutes long and easier to fit in on a daily basis, while still giving absolutely contemporary language. A great free resource.


Bonne chance!


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You could contact the CNED http://www.cned.fr

They have French classes for non-French kids.

One such class: FLES : les 10 portes du Delf A1


This would get the student the "Diplôme d'études en langue française niveau A1 du Conseil de l'Europe"


But you'd have to see with them if your child is advanced enough. I have never done those classes myself. ;)

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Danielle - thanks for the recommendations. I will have my daughter check out the French in Action and sort of see where she would be! The books look good as well - I am heading for the library this afternoon so I will look for them.


Oh Cleo - a class like that might be great for my daughter but I could only understand about one quarter of the information! I wonder - if I sent them an e-mail in English, would they respond to me in English?

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I've got FIA workbook and hardback, plus all but the first cassette for sale--cheap, because my darling ds lost the first cassette! Errrr.


But honestly, I'd keep calling the CC and get her into there. It's a world of difference, having someone to talk to, vs going it alone.

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Thanks Chris - but I don't think I will need them because....


the Dean of the CC called me back and we are good to go for September!This is a program that the City Colleges run with the NYC Public Schools - they let some good students take certain classes at the CCs. They have some requirements so I will need to send him a copy of her PSAT scores and some info about what she has learned in French so far and she will need to take a placement test in August.


And - did I mention that it is FREE???


It's FREE!!!!

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