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When you realize you are off track you...


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ignore it and move on...that's the beauty of homeschooling. Who's timetable am I worried about anyway?


freak out and pressure the kids to work like madmen until we are caught up.


adjust workload and "catch up" by skipping unimportant things.


We are 6 weeks off from where I hoped we would be by now. It's all my fault, not the kids. I set up our schedule at the beginning of the year using 4 days per week. We are now down to three full school days and one supposed homework day on Saturday due to outside classes we're all a part of.


The classes are teaching valuable lessons and the kids are fine with working into the summer because of it. I probably should count the outside classes as valued work and drop some of the things I wanted us to get to (Spelling Wisdom, VocFCRoots, Logic stuff).


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We have one full day out of the house learning too. I do count it as a school day. But it is not a full day, there is no math that day. But there are electives and enrichment and P.E. and usually at least one academic subject is covered there as well (This year latin is done there for the big lesson of the week. Last year a science class for odd and the main history class for ydd.) I try to schedule 4 day weeks at home for the rest of the year for us too to do a full load of hs work. But there are field trips making some weeks 3 day weeks. And these are valuable trips. We still do some work on some of those days, but not all. There are rabbit trails. There are chapters that just aren't clicking for somebody on something and we may do school at home for 4 days, but we didn't do 4 whole days of lessons because we are slowing down and reviewing, etc.


So I do a little bit of all of the above each year!



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All of the above?? :lol:


I tend to freak out first and spend a day pushing extra work, then I calm down and think, "We'll never catch up, I'll just forget about it" and THEN I calm down further and go through the subject in question and cut out what we don't need and focus on what we do.

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We school year round because of this. Late last year DH ended up with a job that required a lot of time out of town for classes, and his company paid for us to come along. We went with him and visited museums, historical parks, zoos, and whatever else caught our fancy. We got next to nothing done for 3 months as far as workbooks were concerned, but we had a lot of good experiences and learned a lot anyway.


The only thing I am changing is that we are doing school 5 days a week instead of the 4 we scheduled. We're finishing up first semester work in most subjects right now and should be ready to change grades in June. I wouldn't trade experiences for book time.


IMO, if your kids are willing to work into the summer to keep those classes, I'd keep them and just work into the summer and I wouldn't drop quite so much unless you have a reason not to HS in the summer. My kids go nuts if we go more than a week or so without classes, and it really helps their math not to have a huge break.

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We school year round, but still can get behind a bit too easily if I'm not paying attention!


When we've gotten behind, I usually sit down and evaluate where we are, where we need to be, and how to reasonably catch up within a period of time that's reasonable for DS to do. I don't stress about it though.....if we're behind, we're behind and I'll usually slow pace in content areas and increase pace in the 3 R's (where we usually fall behind) since those are more important IMO at this point.


Right now I've had to modify everything due to MIL being really ill - we're only doing math and LA.....we'll catch up with content (history, science, etc.) at a point in the future; to me content subjects right now are not something to really stress over since we can catch up easily later.

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