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Visual Latin and ??


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The course was designed to be used with Lingua Latina. I think that somewhere on the VL website is a schedule to put the two together. The author has also said that you can use LL after finishing VL 1. That's what I'm planning on doing with my 13yo ds.

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We are going to start using Visual Latin this week and I would like something to supplement the program for extra practice.


Do you know of a workbook type of program that blended nicely with Visual Latin?


My ds9 is using Visual Latin and Getting Started with Latin. I didn't bother to try and line them up. On days A & B in VL, I have him do one page of GSWL. Day C is translation in VL, so I give him a break.

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Visual Latin is not a stand alone?...I am planning to use this as well (most likely starting next year), and I thought it was a stand alone...Can it be effective alone?


It can be a stand alone, but we're using it along with Getting Started with Latin because I wanted ds9 to have a bit more translation practice.

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Visual Latin is not a stand alone?...I am planning to use this as well (most likely starting next year), and I thought it was a stand alone...Can it be effective alone?


It is stand alone unless you are giving high school credit, then you would add the Linga Latina for additional credit hours and translation practice.


For those that want to do both, you would start LL after lesson10.

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Visual Latin is not a stand alone?...I am planning to use this as well (most likely starting next year), and I thought it was a stand alone...Can it be effective alone?


We currently use two Latin curricula and plan to continue. DD does well seeing the language from two different perspectives (currently Prima Latina and Minimus).

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It is stand alone unless you are giving high school credit, then you would add the Linga Latina for additional credit hours and translation practice.


For those that want to do both, you would start LL after lesson10.


Perfect! Exactly what I was looking for! I must have missed it somehow on their website. :confused: Dd has gone through half of the free videos and really likes them, so I'm going to buy the set. I really like how they offer the free introduction, I might not have tired them if they didn't.

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