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Define "halfway" through The OPGuide to Teaching Reading? Page #'s or Lessons??


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Hello, has anyone ever actually asked this question? Because I am sure "opinions" will vary but I would like to know what the authors actually intended in the 2004 version of TWTM at the bottom of page 52, or if you had the same question what you ended up doing and why it worked/did not work for you. (This is in the Spelling section of The Grammar Stage, if you have a different version.)


They state "We recommend that you get at least halfway through The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading primer before beginning spelling." This is very different depending on whether you go by lessons or page numbers.


If you go by lessons then Lesson 115 is right near the middle of the program, and it starts on page 198. If you go by page numbers the middle of the book would be page 185, which is lesson 105. Because there is a difference of 10 whole lessons I am not comfortable just picking one, I would like to know what they meant.


Lesson 105/p. 185 begins the Common Spellings for the Other Vowel Sounds section and Lesson 110/p.198 starts at the midpoint of that same section, with a review of the first half of that lesson.


I feel they mentioned "the middle" specifically because of the content that was covered up to that point, and now I want to know where "that point" is. After Lesson 105 you HAVE in fact covered a good number of spelling rules, but I don't know whether it's "enough." :confused:


I know there is a possibility that some of you out there in forum land will think I don't need to know the answer to this question because it isn't that important, but please bear in mind that expressing that particular opinion in your response does not address my query. :lol:

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I'll take a stab at this! :001_smile:


I would probably say the middle based on lessons. My impression of that passage of the WTM was that you want the child to have some confidence sounding out and reading before starting spelling.



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Hmmm. I had written down in my notes "start spelling after OPGTR L124". Unfortunately, I am not sure where I got that! I'm not sure if that is a section break or not - I'm not able to get to my book at the moment.


I will probably actually be waiting longer than that anyway. I have heard several people recommend waiting until after you are completely done with phonics, and that's probably what we will do.


FYI - I had also written down to start FLL (grammar) after L142, and WWE (writing) after L142 IF min age 7 and handwriting is solid.

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:iagree: Lessons as well but as a general rule. I followed TWTM to the T with my boys on using OPTTR and moved into Spelling Workout (recommended highly if used OPTTR- they found the best at transforming the rules of reading taught in OPTTR into rules of writing)

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Halfway through the lessons it is, then! And yes, it is SW-A that I plan to do with the OPGTR. I appreciate the input on starting after phonics. It's good to know that worked out for someone should I need to wait longer than halfway through the lessons, for whatever reason. Thank you, ladies!

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