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I was at my religious class Saturday morning and the leader was talking about how there are some people out there that have built their own homes. They weren't big and extravagant homes but enough to meet needs. They installed solar panels and rely on either wells or rain barrels. They also grow their own food. This one guy utilizes 1 acre of land and built his own home for about $5000. His annual utility bill is $200. Yes I said annual and it is only because he has to buy propane.


I was just wondering if anyone here has done anything like this or knows anyone like this or is interested like I am lol.

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I was at my religious class Saturday morning and the leader was talking about how there are some people out there that have built their own homes. They weren't big and extravagant homes but enough to meet needs. They installed solar panels and rely on either wells or rain barrels. They also grow their own food. This one guy utilizes 1 acre of land and built his own home for about $5000. His annual utility bill is $200. Yes I said annual and it is only because he has to buy propane.


I was just wondering if anyone here has done anything like this or knows anyone like this or is interested like I am lol.


Homesteading is something that has always interested me... DH is put off by the amount of work involved though, lol.


This: http://www.simondale.net/house/ is the house I wanted to build soooo badly. He thinks I'm crazy.


We just built a traditional house, no solar but we are on a well. We're in the process of slowly working out way to being self-sufficient. Talks of raising quail and rabbits are in the works - both animals that can be butchered pretty much right before eating (no mass processing which is a huge turn-off to me with meat chickens). We're also looking at raising a hog or two.


We are buying half of a grass fed cow in may.


I have some of my seedlings for the garden started already. We're trying to grow enough to freeze/can to last us through the winter.


I *really* want a milk cow or goat but the commitment is HUGE, so we've decided not to make that step yet.


Have you watched Food, Inc.? That will get you on the homesteading/self-sufficiency path very quickly. ;)

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This is a very helpful book about small scale farming.




I love my luxury too much to want a small house, but each year, we provide more and more of our family's food.


We have 6.5 acres close to Houston Texas. You can see some pictures of our farm at



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Did he say if he can get any internet or TV channels, or how long it takes him to get into town to buy groceries, how far from a hospital he, etc....


I will be honest, I am now a city girl. I really wouldn't even be interested in that lifestyle unless my close friends would do it near me as well.


My DH needs high speed internet to do any work at home, but does need an office to go to as well.






I was at my religious class Saturday morning and the leader was talking about how there are some people out there that have built their own homes. They weren't big and extravagant homes but enough to meet needs. They installed solar panels and rely on either wells or rain barrels. They also grow their own food. This one guy utilizes 1 acre of land and built his own home for about $5000. His annual utility bill is $200. Yes I said annual and it is only because he has to buy propane.


I was just wondering if anyone here has done anything like this or knows anyone like this or is interested like I am lol.

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Homesteading is something that has always interested me... DH is put off by the amount of work involved though, lol.


This: http://www.simondale.net/house/ is the house I wanted to build soooo badly. He thinks I'm crazy.


We just built a traditional house, no solar but we are on a well. We're in the process of slowly working out way to being self-sufficient. Talks of raising quail and rabbits are in the works - both animals that can be butchered pretty much right before eating (no mass processing which is a huge turn-off to me with meat chickens). We're also looking at raising a hog or two.


We are buying half of a grass fed cow in may.


I have some of my seedlings for the garden started already. We're trying to grow enough to freeze/can to last us through the winter.


I *really* want a milk cow or goat but the commitment is HUGE, so we've decided not to make that step yet.


Have you watched Food, Inc.? That will get you on the homesteading/self-sufficiency path very quickly. ;)


OMG! I would love to have a house like that! It probably won't require any air conditioning because the living roof will keep it cool throughout summer! That house just rocks!


No I have not seen Food Inc. I am too afraid of what I will see there lol. But I guess I should.

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Did he say if he can get any internet or TV channels, or how long it takes him to get into town to buy groceries, how far from a hospital he, etc....


I will be honest, I am now a city girl. I really wouldn't even be interested in that lifestyle unless my close friends would do it near me as well.


My DH needs high speed internet to do any work at home, but does need an office to go to as well.




Didn't mention TV but obviously he has internet because of all the videos he is making about living that way. He doesn't buy any groceries. He grows all his own food.

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We semi-did this when I was a kid in upper MI - Dad built our house from scratch, we had goats, chickens, pigs, a garden plus we hunted. We really didn't buy a whole lot from the store except for grain products really. We canned everything produced, plus what we gleaned from neighbors and nature itself.



I miss it - now I live in a city in South Texas, and we can't do anything but garden in the backyard here.

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