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Latin dilemma

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My dd11, 5th grade this year, just asked me if we could stop using Latin Christiana next year.


She's been through Lively Latin Book 1 and half of Lively Latin Book 2, and she says she liked that program better. So, I'm not sure where to go from here. She says she doesn't mind finishing LC1 this year, but wants something different next year.


Any suggestions? I'd planned on continuing with Memoria Press, but now I'm not sure.

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I think the program is very different. My kids hated LC I, but they think that First Form Latin is ok. (I know, still not a glowing recommendation...I don't think they would love any program.)


The DVD format for First Form Latin is much better than LC I. There is more instruction in the book that makes the information easier for the student to digest. In addition, FFL offers a workbook. Each lesson generally has five worksheets to give the student a chance to practice the new information and review the old information.


For Chapter 1

Worksheet 1 - Word Study and Grammar (goes over the meat of the lesson) / Grammar Chart to fill in


Worksheet 2 - Pratices Conjugations - Part 1 has the student give the Latin and the stem - Part two has them conjugating verbs and translating them


Worksheet 3 - Form Drills Latin to English - goes over personal endings (chart to fill in and two exercies)


Worksheet 4 - Form Drill English to Latin - STill working on personal endings


Worksheet 5 - Enrichment - Latin Saying & practice with Derivaties

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LC I would be quite a step back from the middle of LL BB2, so it's possible your dc is likely bored. We finished LL BB1 and went right into First Form this year for 4th grade. LC I was pretty boring (with not much practice) even when we tried it in 2nd grade before we switched halfway through the year to LL. I think First Form is far superior to LCI, so if you wanted to continue with Memoria Press' products, that would still be an option. You could even go ahead and switch over now, no problem.


Latin Prep would be another option for this age, but I've never used it myself.

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LC I would be quite a step back from the middle of LL BB2, so it's possible your dc is likely bored.


Yes. She told me that it's not challenging enough after Lively Latin. She also prefers the classical pronunciation and the LC1 DVD's use the ecclesiastical, and she's having trouble making that transition.


Does First Form use the ecclesiastical? I like the idea of more practice pages, and shorter DVD viewings.


I'm hesitant to go back to finishing BB2. It got a little too meaty there after a while, and we were both starting to struggle, so I figured I'd go back to basics this year and transition into Memoria Press. If anything, I'd have her start BB2 over again, and see how she likes it. But then what to do after that? (argh.)


I think I'll have her look at the First Form samples with me and read these replies and see what she says. Maybe we could just switch right over to First Form and go from there.


I wonder if I should skip to the second level of First Form Latin though?

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First Form uses ecclesiastical pronunciation, but we use classical with it. When we switched to LL I chose to begin using classical, and then when we moved into FF, I asked dd what she preferred and she chose to stick with classical. We don't use the DVDs or CD so it hasn't been an issue. Although, IMO, the difference between the two pronunciations are not great enough to matter. Dd liked LL but also really likes FF. We use Visual Latin too just to add in more translation work and b/c dd is actually a better whole-to-parts learner.


As far as which level to go into, MP has the Table of Contents up for both FF and SF on their product pages of their website. Here's a listing from their description of what FF covers:


  • the six indicative active tenses of the first two verb conjugations
  • five noun declensions
  • first and second declension adjectives
  • 185 vocabulary words.

My first instinct would be FF, but idk what LLBB2 gets into, and it depends on how well your dc mastered the material. For my dd, the first fifteen or so chapters had a good mixture of review and new material. Now in Unit 3, we're back to mostly review (1st and 2nd decl. nouns), but before long we'll be adding in the last three declensions. FF has really been the perfect way to review and solidify material, without being too slow or boring. IMO, I don't think you can OVERlearn the foundational material in Latin. :)

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Have you considered Visual Latin for a change of pace? I've been looking at this one for awhile and think that we'll eventually go with it since Latin has not been all that enjoyable for my dd in the past. We switched from Latin to French last year after 2 1/2 years with LC and then LFC. I just think that Dwayne Thomas' sense of humor and style makes Latin feel relevant to modern language, all which seem appealing to students and inexperienced parent/teachers that have struggled to learn Latin.




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Have you considered Visual Latin for a change of pace?


Looks interesting. But is it secular?


Why not finish LL2? After that, Latin Prep is a fun but rigorous programme which is good for that age group.


Dd says she really wants to finish LL2. The only reason I've hesitated is I didn't know where to go after that. I'll have a look at Latin Prep.


Thanks. :)

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I think I'll have her look at the First Form samples with me and read these replies and see what she says. Maybe we could just switch right over to First Form and go from there.


I wonder if I should skip to the second level of First Form Latin though?


A somewhat long answer for a simple question...:)


I am *probably* going to make the switch from LC to the FF series myself. (I say probably because it is so hard to make changes after doing it one way for so long. I just ordered the materials and will look them over before deciding.) My 2nd son is just about done with LC2 and my 9 yo is about 2/3 done with LC1. I talked with MP the other day and found that they recommend Second Form after LC2 and they will give you a free "bridge lesson" to cover material in First Form that was not covered in LC2. They definitely recommended FF after LC1. So, in answer to your question - I think FF is the right level for your daughter.

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