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Learning Styles


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How do you even figure them out? I know my dd14 learns the most by reading. However ds9? Can't figure him out to save my life.


So how do you figure it out? Is there a test (online) or list (again online) that you can compare a kids behavior with?



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Just wanted to throw this out there... a lot of people who think that they are visual or auditoty learners are, in fact, verbal learnings. The verbal learning style is perhaps the least-well-known of all learning styles. Verbal learners learn best by discussibg, arguing, and thinking aloud.

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In case it is of help, below is a quick "check-list" to get you started. Just ask if you have any specific questions! :) Warmest regards, Lori D.



LEARNING STYLE = how a person most easily/naturally/usually TAKES IN information.

kinesthetic = through touching/manipulating and hands-on

auditory = through hearing it

visual = through seeing it



Brain Dominance = how a person PROCESSES that information in the brain.

LEFT hemisphere dominance = abstract, sequential, understands the individual parts which leads to adding up to "the big picture"

RIGHT hemisphere dominance = concrete, random, intuitively sees the big picture first and then begins to understand the parts that add up to it





KINESTHETIC (Do-ers/Touchers)


Kinesthetic Traits:

- favors sports and building

- high energy

- loves to touch

- uses body when antsy

- in constant motion

- dislikes sitting long

- uses fingers to count

- usually has rumpled clothes

- has difficulty following oral directions


Kinesthetic Helps:

- math manipulatives

- manipulatives

- allow touching

- take many breaks

- use hands-on activities

- divide chores up

- allow building/construction


AUDITORY (Talkers/Listeners)


Auditory Traits:

- remembers commercials

- uses rhyming to remember

- talks aloud doing math

- a better listener than reader

- reads aloud

- has difficulty reading maps

- very verbal

- likes to talk to people


Auditory Helps:

- make audiotapes (esp. for spelling)

- set learning to music

- talk them through writing a paper

- read aloud

- study groups

- have a quiet place for study/learning

- watch videos (for audio narration)


VISUAL (Watchers)


Visual Traits:

- assemble by pictures

- close eyes to memorize

- observant

- good with puzzles

- vivid imagination

- looks neat

- better reader than listener

- rarely volunteers answers

- takes many notes

- watches/learns from TV


Visual Helps:

- illustrate everything

- make a mind-map (visual plan) for writing

- use post-it notes to organize

- highlight different topics in different colors

- write down chores

- use transparency sheets to reduce glare


"Hook" your child's interest with their learning style strength, then present the material in all the learning styles to strengthen their weak areas and really embed the information in their brain in multiple ways, using a variety of learning styles.








Left Brain Uses or is Strong with:

- analytical

- dates

- numbers

- taxon memory

- lists

- names

- math facts

- short term memory stored here


Left Brain Takes In Information By:

- Words

- the Familiar

- Sequential

- Listens

- is a Joiner

- Step-by-Step

- Routine

- Organized

- Linear Thinking

- Writing/Talking

- Detailed

- Focused




Right Brain Uses or is Strong with:

- spatial

- color

- music

- creativity

- design

- feelings

- storytelling

- hands-on

- long-term memory stored here


Right Brain Takes In Information By:

- pictures

- the new

- is random

- particpates

- is independant

- demonstrations

- is impulsive

- creative

- 3-D thinking

- drawing

- oblivious to detail

- highly distractable

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