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speech services

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What has been your experience when dealing with a homeschooled child that requires speech services? DS2 most likely is going to need speech therapy, but our insurance only covers restorative speech therapy. He's getting an evaluation through a local specialist this week and the school department is evaluating next week for speech and gross motor delay.


If he qualifies for services at age 4, will that change as he reaches school age and we don't enroll him? I'm in MA if that helps... I'm not sure if this is a state by state thing or what.

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I am in MA. We do private speech therapy with a retired SLP. However, you can get services through the school system. My pediatrician faxed over a referral for speech therapy to the school. I would just ask the school dept. about services when you take him in for testing. They can tell you the process. It's not hard.

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I live in Virginia and my youngest daughter receives speech therapy at the local elementary school for 30 minutes, twice a week. It's group therapy, not private one-on-one therapy and I have to drive her to the school and then wait the 30 minutes until she's done.


We've had no problems at all.


I'd check with the laws in your state.

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