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Is a one kitten litter normal? (Soph the vet??)

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My cat went into labor last night and had one kitten. Just one. It's all cleaned up and seems healthy (nursing and all).


But is this normal? Just one kitten?


She is a year and a half old and has not gotten pregnant before now. Maybe she's just not a very fertile cat? (which would be fine with me)


I'm just curious if this is normal, or if it is likely that there are more to come (12 hours later?)



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One kitten litters are not that abnormal in a young first litter queen. Was it a particularly large kitten?

Just keep an eye on her for straining. If you feel her abdomen can you feel another firm lump? If you are concerned at all I would take her in to your vet and let them examine her. The definitive test would be an x-ray to see if there are any kittens left in there. Sometimes when there is such a small litter than can be a mummified fetus left behind which might not cause your cat problems for a long time, but it is rare and also can be seen on radiographs.


Are you getting mommy spayed?:D

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Okay, thanks. We will do all of the above. I was hoping you'd be online and could answer this question. Yes, the kitten seems a little large to me. The mommy is up and around and chipper as can be.


Yes, she will be spayed after this. I promised my dd one litter and we've been waiting and waiting! I wanted dd to experience a pet having babies once (that is one of my fondest childhood memories!). But just once :).


The good news is I told her that we could keep *one* of the kittens, and I was dreading the process of adopting the others out, so if this is all she has then it has saved us a lot of trouble. :)


We'll keep an eye on her today. Thanks again, Soph!



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My young cat only had two for her first and only litter. I was expecting a lot more, having grown up in a rural area where strays always seemed to adopt us when they were just about to give birth. We once had four strays living in our barn, each with a litter of 7 or 8 kittens!


Congrats on the baby! Is your dd thrilled??

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