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Question for MCT/Caesar's users

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Ok, Help me out here guys:


I'm *really* excited about MCT. I think this will be perfect for DD, who is very verbal, wordy, loves reading & lit, loves goofy/quirky stories, loves Latin, loves grammar, etc. . . but *hates* spelling workout and anything worksheety/workbooky.


I'm trying to hold myself back and not start this till next year (5th grade) at the Town level; we're midway through FLL4 and she really likes it. But I'm so excited . . .


Ok, to questions: Would it be worth it to do Building Language now for vocab, while we're finishing up FLL4? Or is it ok to start with Caesar's English next year with the rest of Town? I'm thinking of dropping Spelling Workout and studying vocab for the rest of this year, and the word root study in MCT seems like a good complement to our Latin study. I guess I want to know if Building Language is a critical/important precursor to Caesar's English, or could a kid who has studied some Latin jump right in to Caesar's?


How about the Lit part of MCT? I really like the sample of the Teacher's Manual on the MCT website. I wish I could just buy that, but you can only get the TM if you buy the 3 book package. We already own nice illustrated copies of all 3 books, so I hesitate to shell out for this. Anyone using the Alice Peter Mole materials? Is it worth it to get *their* version of the books? Is the TM fabulous?


Ok, those are my biggest questions right now, but anything else you want to share would be great!

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You don't need to do BL, unless you want to. It was my least favorite of all the island books, but others really loved it. But really, I think it is unnecessary, esp. as many of the stems are used in CE I.


You should stick with what you're doing until you're ready to use it. You can also do it in addition to what you're doing. I think Town is pretty flexible like that.


As far as the lit program goes, I have Time Travelers. Haven't started yet (we need to finish The Iliad first), so I can't help you out too much in that dept. The TM is totally worth it and necessary, IMHO. I think you could skip their version of the books, but what you'll miss are certain sentences and bits taken apart and analyzed visually. Again, I have not had a lot of time to really peruse this yet.


If you live near one of the Great Homeschool Conventions, you should go and look at them in person. ;)



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