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Lets talk about meals...

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After having been married for almost 10 years and been a mom for over 8 I should have this down... BUT...well, I still struggle with the organization of our meals.

It is not so much the cooking itself (learned a lot in this department...) but rather the organization of meals in general.

When do you have your main meal of the day? What do you have the other meals? Do you prepare "serious breakfast"...or just cereals? Which of the meals do you have as a family?

I used to do our warm/main meal for lunch, but ever since we started homeschooling never get around it any more... So, maybe it's time to surrender and just switch...?!?

I am looking forward to having some insides from your kitchens...;)

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After having been married for almost 10 years and been a mom for over 8 I should have this down... BUT...well, I still struggle with the organization of our meals.

It is not so much the cooking itself (learned a lot in this department...) but rather the organization of meals in general.

When do you have your main meal of the day? What do you have the other meals? Do you prepare "serious breakfast"...or just cereals? Which of the meals do you have as a family?

I used to do our warm/main meal for lunch, but ever since we started homeschooling never get around it any more... So, maybe it's time to surrender and just switch...?!?

I am looking forward to having some insides from your kitchens...;)


Weekdays I keep bagels, fruit, yogert, cereal on hand on weekends we make big breakfasts. Lunch, dh brings his, I keep salad stuff, chef boyr d, sandwhich fixings, sometimes chicken nuggets and mac n cheese on hand occasionally if I think ahead I'll get out leftovers and prepare those for lunch. Our main meal is dinner around 4:30 and everyone sits down together. I start planning dinner the night before so I know if I have to thaw out meat. I make a menu for 2 weeks then shop to that and post the menu on the fridge so I know exactly what I have one hand. I do keep staples like beans, rice, cheese, orzo, marana, spaghetti for those days that just don't go as planned.

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I like to make a hot, complete sit-down meal for dinner, when we are all together. I over-cook, making sure there would be some left-overs, which I serve for the kids and me for lunch the following day. That way, I get two meals out of one-time cooking, and we avoid unhealthy lunch fare (chips, processed meat, canned soup, whatever). For breakfast, generally everyone makes their own-- fruit, cereal, oatmeal, eggs...

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We're seasonal eaters. In the winter when the guys have to feed cattle they go out and have a breakfast with everything when they come back in. I mean everything- eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, omelets, grits, biscuits and gravy. Then no lunch and eat again around 3:00.


Right now I don't make breakfast at all, and we have one big meal and then leftovers or sandwiches.


We usually sit down together for at least one meal a day, but I never know when it's going to be, depends on the ranch chores.

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Dh would love to have the main meal at lunch but it just doesn't work. To start with, he isn't usually home. Then, all of our music lessons fell around lunch time this year (Band M,W, violin T, piano Th). Then, next year dd(14) will be home, but back in the Waldorf school. That's before we even get started on how much of the school day should be spent cooking!


The evening isn't much better. As the dc got older, their "social" activities moved from right afterschool to the evening. Dh comes home around 6. All three dc are on the swim team, which rarely gets them home by 7. On Mondays, ds(16) has CAP (6:30 - 9) and on Thursdays he has Boy Scouts (7 - 8:30).


We are seriously discussing making breakfast our family meal! [Ds (16) won't like that either - he would have to get up "early."]


The crock pot is my friend. And the timer on the oven. And leftovers. :001_smile:




PS. Mittmaman, How'd the French thing work out?

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