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Top 1 or 2 recommendations for books about the Civil War (for supplements)

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My son got interested in the Am. Civ. War from reading the Magic Treehouse on it--there are ones for the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln. Then he got out a large book from the library that has text and many many excellent pictures of Smithsonian collection materials on the Civil War (from paintings, to documents, to artifacts) and very much liked that. It might have been pub'd by Smithsonian itself, or maybe DK.


We are waiting for an interlib. loan on You Wouldn't Want to be a... series books. There is one for both soldier and nurse in Civil War. Since we've not had it arrive yet, I can't say how it will be. (I was a bit worried that the Smithsonian book might have been leading to too much glorification of war, even though it was extremely informative and wanted something to counteract that to some degree.)


Possibly Jean Fritz has something on it, and sometimes her(?) history books seem helpful and approachable. That would be where I'd probably go next.


There is also a 3 part series now that his grandmother just told us about, intended for adults, giving more of the often hidden history--prisoner of war camps, fighting house to house that reminds one of recent events in Rwanda. Perhaps beyond a child's level, but perhaps all right or in part all right, and I'm not sure of the author/title.


The movie Gandhi was not about the Amer. C.W., but helped show people fighting each other who had been comrades and neighbors.

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