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I baked bread -- how do I store it?

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My latest "thing" is to bake all of our bread so I don't have to pay the high prices for it in the stores. We go through 1-2 loaves a day.


I baked my first 3 loaves tonight. One disappeared already. I put one in a bread wrapper I saved from store-bought bread, and fit one into a gallon freezer bag (all I had) but it won't close because the loaf is too big.


For future reference, since I am baking more bread tomorrow (I'm on a roll :)), how do you all store your bread -- is there some place to buy bread wrappers, do you use Saran wrap, or what?


Thanks for your help!



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I use bags from Kiing Arthur Flour. I bought 100 all purpose bags from them a couple of years ago and still have plenty because I reuse them. They're large enough for foccacia and other odd shapes of bread. They are much thicker than the bags store bread comes in. I use them when I give things away like coffeecake or bread.

I know buying bags seems weird but they are really good quality and I want my good bread well protected.

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In my experience, unsliced bread doesn't require any special treatment. You can just leave it out on the bench. If it has been sliced, we usually stick it in a paper or plastic bag, or just leave the cut side face down on a chopping board. It seems the denser the bread, the less it dries out. I wouldn't go out and buy anything special. It doesn't sound like the bread is going to last long enough in your house to be a concern.



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Okay, thanks folks! I appreciate the responses. When my DD cut a slice off a fresh loaf with the cake server, I decided to cut the loaves that were left and I put them in a plastic bag so they wouldn't dry out. Otherwise, I'm not going to worry about it. Except when I freeze bread -- if I ever get ahead on the baking (DD used 4 loaf pans to make snow bricks and didn't bring them in, so I only have 3 left) I will put them in a bag so that DD won't go nuts lecturing me about freezer germs.


I went to the grocery store today and I did not buy bread for the first time in my life. It was fun going by that long aisle of 10,000 choices and not having to look for the particular kinds I used to buy.



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