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Ideas for a "War Years" History Class

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for our last history cycle


So, it's for an 18 year old boy?


For background tactics and strategy, The West Point Military History Series WWII books:




They are available used and may even be available through ILL.


Hollywood has produced a ton of good WWII movies (in no particular order,) some of which were books first:




Saving Pvt Ryan

Schindler's List

The Scarlett and the Black

Where Eagles Dare


The Longest Day

Guns of Navarone

Bridge over the River Kwai

Tora! Tora! Tora!

Dirty Dozen

Stalag 17



The Eagle has Landed

The Great Escape

Judgment at Nuremburg

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My ds had quite an interest in WWII, and found some non-book materials he enjoyed. Other people will probably give you the book and movie lists, so I will give a different idea. BTW, he did read mountains of books on the subject, but those are the more obvious resources you probably already know about.


Buy some mp3s of old radio shows from that time period. They are very inexpensive, but give a realistic portrait of life during WWII era. We all, especially ds, enjoyed the shows themselves, but perhaps the commercials provided the best look at life in the U.S. during the era. We bought radio shows from OTRCAT, http://www.otrcat.com/wwii-c-121.html?osCsid=dctbtd111ag6fk59goa81uh851 We all enjoyed listening to the shows, discussing and analyzing them. There was a lot of propaganda used, if your ds is interested in identifying those techniques. The radio shows my ds liked best were Burns and Allen, Bob Hope, and Jack Benny. Bob Hope and Jack Benny shows from WWII included jokes and monologues that don't make a lot of sense unless one understands the political and world events of the era. Plus they are entertaining shows by themselves. Burns and Allen shows often focused comedic episodes around issue confronting daily life in the U.S., like lack of tires, no coffee on the shelves at the grocery store, food coupons, air raid wardens, etc. Commercials encouraged victory gardens, explanations of coupons, purchasing war bonds, accepting food and other item shortages, support via accepting rationing, supporting "our boys", etc. The radio shows provide a very interesting look at life on the home front during WWII that can not be gained as easily through reading a book. Other radio shows are recordings of then-live news broadcasts. That is an excellent way to study history, as these reporters were describing events as they occurred. Check out the World War II collection.


Another cd set my ds liked was Word and Music of World War II http://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/pid/1851634/a/Words+And+Music+Of+World+War+II.htm This was very interesting because it tells about WWII in Europe and the U.S. through portions of news broadcasts, speeches and music of the era, and it explains the relevance of the songs and how they reflected the views of the time period. It was definitely worth listening to. One track that was particularly interesting was "Edward Murrow Broadcasts His Experiences On A Bomb Raid Over Berlin", a poignant, descriptive personal account. Again, this perspective is not the same if read in a book.

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I'm a big fan of Albert Marrin's book on WWI. He goes thru each branch of the military and how it was developing at the time. He of course explains what led to the first world war, and that of course leads into the second. The propoganda issue comes up, as well. I feel it's a great resource, if you can fit it in, or even to read excerpts from.



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