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Dealing with a landlord?

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Last year I had major problems with the plumbing in the upstairs bathroom (tub, sink, toilet, washing machine). Everything drained sooooooo slow that the washing machine had to be watched because it would flow into the tub and toilet, and the toilet would overflow.


I hesitated calling the landlord because there have been problems when I called prior to it.


When I finally called (nearing spring and warming up) the landlord snaked the toilet, pulled out "gunk" and all was okay for a while. Before he came, everything was working a little better, and I had a feeling that it was all related to something being frozen.


Tonight when I gave ds a bath I had to rinse the tub first because the last washing machine load apparently drained into the tub, which left washer lint and a gross ring.


This means that my thoughts of it being related to freezing are correct.


How do I get this fixed?! We do not have a lease so I don't like rocking the boat, because they could toss us at any time with no reasons. We rarely had clean clothes last winter because it was so difficult to wash a load. It took 3-4 hours to run the washing machine.


Just to give you an idea of how "logical" this woman is- We moved here Aug of 2010. In Sept we had a really heavy rain, enough that the school basements flooded and school was closed. I called the landlord to tell her that there was a leak upstairs, and she started yelling at me and wanted to know what I had done to the roof! :confused:

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Can you redirect your washing machine water to a grey water system outside?


We had an older house with plumbing issues related to the washing machine emitting so much water in a short time and redirecting it helped immensely.


Other than that, sorry to say, but I think you might want to look for a new home.

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There might be rules about it...depends on where you live. We ran a line outside to drain into the yard - make sure you don't use bleach or chemicals that will hurt your lawn and be sure to use wire mesh to cover the end of the pipe so critters don't build a nest in it. :)

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I would look very carefully at the lease, fine tooth comb it. See if there is anything there about pipes.


I would then look up the code for that area and rentals and see if freezing pipes is covered by law and if they are required to do something about it.


Finally I would run the hose out to somewhere unobtrusive and be done with that, then start looking for another place to rent :)

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I would look very carefully at the lease, fine tooth comb it. See if there is anything there about pipes. We don't have a lease. My father sends the landlord the check every month and that's it. I have not even seen the landlord since we moved in, I've seen her husband a few times to fix things.


I would then look up the code for that area and rentals and see if freezing pipes is covered by law and if they are required to do something about it.


Finally I would run the hose out to somewhere unobtrusive and be done with that, then start looking for another place to rent :)


I was looking for another place, but didn't find anything (nothing beyond neighbor that turned bad!).

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you know, you may not want contact with this person but perhaps calling everytime there is a problem she will realize it's the house and not you causing damage. We are currently in a 25 year old home that sorely needs attention. Last week the faucet in the bathroom came out of the wall! It had come unsautered in the wall :001_huh: Now I have a hole in the garage from the plumber coming out to fix it.....do you think they have done anything to fix the huge hole exposing the pipes to the cold weather?


Our last landlord had explicit instructions in regards to frozen pipes and made it clear it was our job to keep them from exploding. It was colder there. She was decent but we fixed a lot of things ourselves so as not to be a pain and it worked out b/c she fixed things when I did call...all were expensive!


But in your situation if she's that accusing perhaps every issue being called in would be a good record...keep record of your call/complaints.

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I would start with reviewing the landlord tenant laws in your state. You may find something in there that allows you to press back, even without a lease. We had a terrible LL in our rental last year, and getting anything resolved was a nightmare. We had to read up on the law and figure out from there how to proceed.


Document, document, document and when you ask for repairs, ask for them in writing with return registered receipt requested. Even if you don't decide to push back too hard, it is very helpful to have documentation on your side.


I'm not an attorney, but I think you may find you want to document thoroughly in order to protect *yourself*. Let's say he doesn't repair something and further damages ensues. In some states, you have a legal obligation as a tenant to take swift action if there's imminent risk to the property, etc. (if I remember correctly). Make sure you are documenting the problem in case he comes back and tries to blame you for additional damage resulting from his inaction, or tries to blame you for repair attempts (they could go wrong, etc.) that result in not fixing the problem, or additional damage. As sad as it is, I would document to protect yourself, and that means in writing, and making sure to document that he's receiving the mail (return registered receipt requested). Although I suppose you run the risk of irritating him that way.

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