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Why is Algebra 1/Geometry/Algebra 2 better?

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I am, and always have been, very interested in VideoText for Algebra. I like that they say it is a complete course, meaning "all" of Algebra is learned together, without being broken up by Geometry.


I have, however, seen comments that it's better to do Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.


If you feel that way, can you explain why to me? Thanks!



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It generally has to do with covering certain topics before taking the ACT. If you start Algebra 1 in 9th grade, it is best to tale geometry next to be sure you have covered all topics on the ACT/SAT.


Also, taking Algebra 2 after Geometry gives a good review of topics needed for PreCalc or calculus.


It can be done other ways, you just have to consider several factors.

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I would add that many Geometry books review Algebra and Algebra II books expect a Geometry background and may contain Geometry review. This sequence allows student not only to have completed the math necessary for ACT/SAT testing, but have a better chance at remembering it.


Also Algebra II typically takes greater maturity and brain development to understand than Geometry. Giving the extra year for Geometry really helps some students gain the maturity they need for Algebra II.


The final reason that I would give is that if you take a year off after Algebra II (for Geometry) the student will forget a lot of Algebra which will be needed and not reviewed much in a Pre-Calculus class. That can make a rough transition.


None of those reasons are insurmountable. YMMV

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After my oldest finished Alg I, she then did Alg II and Geom. together.


So one week she did Alg II MWF and Geom. TR. Then the next week switched the days.


This was my dh's idea since math is his strong point, I went along with it. But I had originally planned for her to follow the way it has always been done in ps: Alg I, then Geom. and finally Alg II.


Doing the two maths together makes more sense now that she did it, my other 3 dc with follow this same plan.


This was the algebra stays fresh while learning geometry.

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