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Book Trading Site Suggestions

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I'm cleaning out the 40 boxes of books in my basement :lol: and instead of just donating them, I thought I might try one of the book trading sites. Anybody use one and have feedback? I've been looking at paperbackswap.com and bookmooch.com. Any others I should check out? TIA!

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I’ve done pretty well with Paperbackswap.com. I sent out about 14 books in my first 2 weeks, so be prepared for that. I had quite a few titles popular with homeschoolers that were not selling here, and they were snatched up quickly. It took a while to get titles that I wanted in return, so the first few weeks I felt like it wasn’t worth it. My forced patience paid off though, and I have managed to get about twelve books on my wish list. I have received some books in less than stellar condition, but I discovered that I can state what types of books I am willing to take, and the sender has to agree that the book is in the condition I am looking for.

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I have used both...paperbackswap i organized according to FIFO and all books must be in really good condition, bookmooch is free for all book conditions can be listed so that something not postable at paperbackswap is postable on bookmooch and you get .10 points for every book you list...so each time you send a book it is worth 1.1 points. Bookmooch isn't moving very fast for me right now...but neither is PBS.

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