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Alternative to Saxon AlgII for struggling 18yo?

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I'm currently tutoring a student in math and I'm having a hard time deciding what curriculum to use to help her. I do have a math degree and experience teaching secondary math, but my knowledge of homeschool curriculum at this level is only from what I've read.


We are 20 chapters into Saxon AlgII and I just don't think it's the right fit for her. She took Saxon AlgI last year at a homeschool academy and passed, but is still pretty weak in most areas of basic algebra.


Her goal is to pass the math placement test at the local community college (she has passed all but the math portion so far.) Her most recent score comes with a recommendation of taking a developmental class that reviews AlgI.


Any recommendations for another curriculum? It seems like a daunting task to get her through everything she needs from AlgI/Geom/AlgII since she's a bit behind. In my searching the boards, I've come across Lial's Basic College Math. Would that be an appropriate start? I guess I just need to get my hands on it but thought I'd ask here first since I'd have to order it online.


Thanks so much for any input!

Edited by Tammy (TX)
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Lial's Basic College Math is pre-algebra. Does she need to go back that far? If she does, it is a good solid text to use. Lial's also has algebra texts if you want to change from Saxon.


Otherwise, can you take her back to Algebra I using Saxon and maybe let her test her way through the chapters until you find where she starts having trouble?



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That is Algebra 2.


I suggest the 7th or 8th edition PAPERBACK. The student text is all you would need.


I've had success with students using it who came from Saxon Algebra 1.


I suggest that you go with a traditional text-- Saxon does not work for all students and it can be very difficult to remediate (using Saxon materials).

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I suggest the 7th or 8th edition PAPERBACK. The student text is all you would need.


Thanks so much!


I am finding two different books that fit this description - is one of these the correct one?


edited: nevermind! just noticed one was not paperback - I think I found the right one. I appreciate the help!



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My son is doing Algebra II with Math Relief. I feel the teacher is truly gifted in teaching one thing -- Algebra. It includes videos, many worksheets with the problems already written out, and the answer key which is the same worksheet with all problems fully worked out. There's a sample video on his website or on youtube.




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