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S/O healthcare... The good, the bad, the ugly

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So I was thinking about the recent healthcare thread and lo and behold my dd got sick. It started with a fever of 101 yesterday, pulling at her ears. Uh oh. You know what that means. By this morning her fever was 103.5. Time to go to the doctor so here is how it went:


No appointment. You just walk in. We arrived at 9:57 am. We were in a room with the doctor by 9:59. He took her temp, asked us questions, examined her. By 10:05 we had the diagnosis of ear infection which we kind of already knew. By 10:07 we had checked out with medications in hand (not the prescription... The actual meds. The pharmacy is right in the office). The whole thing, visit and meds, cost about $40 USD. Actually it cost us nothing because we have insurance. That's the good.


Same day...


I recently got this itchy rash from something. I have no idea what. So I show up at the dermatologist (no appointment). I waited about 20 minutes as there were 2 women ahead of me. I go in, he takes a look at it, tells me it is a type of heat rash. No big deal. Happens all the time, especially to expats that are not used to the heat here.


THEN he says "Do you know that Swedish woman that was in here just before you?" I said no. He says "Oh. Well, she was in here for the same thing. So you see it is very common."


I was kind of surprised that he would share that info with me ya know? So then he takes a pic of my rash for my file and he shows the pic to me. Then he scrolls over to the pic before it ... The one of the rash on the Swedish lady. Which he shows me to confirm what he just said about it being common, I guess? And I thought THAT was REALLY weird. He just shows me a pic of another patient's personal medical issue? :001_huh:


THEN we go to get my prescription filled and because our school pays for it, the pharmacist just logs it into his account book for our school. The book ... which is laying on the counter ... With a list of employee names... And the meds they are taking. Seriously.


Holy smokes! Apparently patient confidentiality is NOT a concern here. :001_huh:





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