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Mystery of History vs. Truth Quest


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I have used MOH 1 and 2, and I have used TQ Egypt and Greece. Last year I actually tried to combine MOH 1 and TQ.


I like that TQ follows a culture at a time, it has some interesting commentary (more in some books than in others), and the questions are intriguing. I really didn't use the book lists though, because I use Sonlight and also because there are so many books listed. That's handy if you are going to rely on the library and need a variety to choose from, but I really like that SL has prechosen specific books. (Because I was only using about half a core's worth of books, I also used some choices from Winter Promise, Diana Waring, Illuminations, and a few from TQ.). For me it was much easier to choose the SL books that matched the time frame, and then to choose a few more from other sources, than it was to wade through all of the TQ lists. But that might not be the case for everyone.


MOH--I appreciate that it's all laid out for me--readings, activities, (it also has lists of books like TQ). I can see how much to do in a week more or less, I can see if I have time to add in more or if I should really just move on. It's easy to use, and I like how biblical history is woven in. MOH is chronological, and sometimes that can seem a bit jumpy, but if you preface it by saying, "we've been reading a lot about Egypt, but here's what was happening in China around this same time," that gives it context and makes the separations clearer. Sometimes the MOH text does this already, sometimes I added it in.


Since I was combining MOH and TQ, I'll explain that a bit. I didn't try to match things up perfectly (that would either ruin TQ or ruin MOH!) But I did a "rough" match up. I actually did a unit on ancient Israel with other sources before I did Egypt. When there would be a cluster of readings on an era, then I would start a unit study on that, and just run it concurrently alongside the chrono. history. I thought of these as just like a "balloon" of a particular culture here and there along our general timeline.


I did end up dropping the TQ though...somehow it just tipped the scale as being too much, not so much for the actual history time, but of my time, trying to pull from it and pull things together. Perhaps if I had been ONLY using TQ, I'd have gotten into a rhythm with it. But for me, it was easier pulling from what I already knew and using something all laid out for me.


Not sure if this helps! Merry :-)

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I've used both, but not simultaneously. I used MOH volumes 1 and part of 2, but quickly found out 2 was too advanced for the ages of kids I had. (Then my oldest was in 3rd grade and he did fine, but I lost my 2nd grader, Ker and I also had a preschooler. I LOVED the series, I just think it's better at the middle grade levels. We transitioned to SOTW and even though it's not coming from a Christian viewpoint, it fit the ages of my kids better.


I used TQ for a short time when we studied the middle ages. I was using alongside SOTW. All I saw it as was a list of books and it was not arranged chronologically like SOTW was so it was harder to line up. I have plenty of sources for books so I ended up dropping it pretty quickly. I think as a stand alone it would be fine, but I didn't see a lot more value in it than just a booklist. (JMO)


My ideal line up for history is SOTW for grammar stage and if you want to use MOH I would use that for logic stage. I actually chose to use Pandia Press's History Odyssey Level 2 for my 5th grade son this year and I've been very pleased. My goal was to add MOH in, but HO is pretty hefty and there's not really a lot of room for MOH.


Probably more than you wanted to know! :001_smile:

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