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As much as I love watching them...I hate it for my animals tonight. We actually have a ban here on fireworks, but that never stops anyone. One year our neighbors actually shot them off over into my pasture. I was throwing stupid bottle rocket sticks and trash over the fence for weeks to keep the horses from stepping on them and the sheep and goats from attempting to eat anything. They haven't shot them over it since though.


We've got a new calf and he's freaking out...tomorrow I'll have to watch and make sure he doesn't scour from the stress; scours can kill a calf very quickly.


The horses were running around the field last time I checked on them...they don't know where to hide.

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Yeah, 3 of our dogs aren't thrilled either. We have two outside and two inside dogs. The two oustide are hiding in their kennels and the one inside is like velcroed to me. Our five outdoors cats have yet to be seen since 7 pm (that's when people were starting). They are probably hiding in the barn.

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No animals here, but my children aren't big fans of the fireworks! The houses in our neighborhood are really too close together for people to even try, but every year, they do it anyway. The Fourth of July doesn't bother me as much, because at least those are done at a reasonable hour, plus, I'm pretty sure that tonight, people have been drinking. A lot. Hopefully they'll quit soon, though!

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Oh, I hope the kitties found somewhere to snuggle up and feel safe and I hope your horses don't get too worked up.


We used to have a dog (beautiful Rotty\Shepard mix) that would literally try to chew through the door to get to fireworks. The first year we experienced her reaction to them she was almost a year old.


We were setting off fireworks in the field in front of our house (lots of property..no neighbors to bother and we had put the horses in their stalls even though they were not bothered by fireworks, guns etc.) Anyhoo, Elsa had been around gun fire before and never seemed to even notice it. I had a harness on her and had put the line around the leg of my campchair, which I had set up on the driveway. Well, dh went out into the field to light off the first round - he had them staged to go off one after the other or something. He lit that first set and they went shooting up into the air and exploded in these big flowers and all of a sudden I'm getting drug closer and closer! (This is when I was much, much thinner.) She was so excited and wanted to chase them! She kept jumping up as far as she could as if she could grab the explosions.


We decided to put her in the house to finish up dh's 'show' and when we finally went back in she had scratched huge gashes in the back door! She had never, never, been that destructive before. When we finally let her out she spent forever running about in the field picking up the cardboard pieces and bringing them back to me. She made quiet a pile.


Subsequent years we ended up putting her in one of the horse stalls with her favorite goat with the barn radio on. We never saw scratch marks on the stall door or walls and whenever we would go to get her she would always be snuggled up with her goat snoozing, so there was something about that combo that kept her from going nuts over the fireworks.


Hmmm, I loved that dog!


Maybe not pertinent to your thread but it brought back this memory and I thought I'd share.

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I kept trying to remind myself that it is only twice a year, for a few days each time. I try to not worry too much that it's against the law. I try not to be too offended as they don't know my poor kids have been traumatized greatly in their little lives. I try not to be angry as I'd NEVER dream of being half as disrespectful of my neighbors.


My poor dog started shaking before 7pm. I was sure she was going to make herself sick shaking like that. Poor little thing. Since people probably don't have to go to work tomorrow, we probably have one more night.


It gets dark by 6. Why can't they do them early? They have to know that at least SOME people need to sleep so why don't they finish at some reasonable hour?


My stomach is killing me. I really need more sleep. Guess there is nap time later :)

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Oh, I hope the kitties found somewhere to snuggle up and feel safe and I hope your horses don't get too worked up.


We used to have a dog (beautiful Rotty\Shepard mix) that would literally try to chew through the door to get to fireworks. The first year we experienced her reaction to them she was almost a year old.


We were setting off fireworks in the field in front of our house (lots of property..no neighbors to bother and we had put the horses in their stalls even though they were not bothered by fireworks, guns etc.) Anyhoo, Elsa had been around gun fire before and never seemed to even notice it. I had a harness on her and had put the line around the leg of my campchair, which I had set up on the driveway. Well, dh went out into the field to light off the first round - he had them staged to go off one after the other or something. He lit that first set and they went shooting up into the air and exploded in these big flowers and all of a sudden I'm getting drug closer and closer! (This is when I was much, much thinner.) She was so excited and wanted to chase them! She kept jumping up as far as she could as if she could grab the explosions.


We decided to put her in the house to finish up dh's 'show' and when we finally went back in she had scratched huge gashes in the back door! She had never, never, been that destructive before. When we finally let her out she spent forever running about in the field picking up the cardboard pieces and bringing them back to me. She made quiet a pile.


Subsequent years we ended up putting her in one of the horse stalls with her favorite goat with the barn radio on. We never saw scratch marks on the stall door or walls and whenever we would go to get her she would always be snuggled up with her goat snoozing, so there was something about that combo that kept her from going nuts over the fireworks.


Hmmm, I loved that dog!


Maybe not pertinent to your thread but it brought back this memory and I thought I'd share.


Thanks for sharing! That was funny and sweet. I can see you being pulled along, lol.


The horses seemed alright. They would climb the walls if I attempted to stall them. It would be ugly. They seem to like that they can move to different areas at will. The cats seemed a little frazzled this morning but were quite hungry and I don't blame them since none came home to eat that night.

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