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Do your children write thank you notes for Christmas gifts?

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My kids make thank you cards, but I've finally gotten smart about it and have them all work on one card for the same person. There are just so many people who need cards, and then when you multiply that by 3, it gets crazy.


:lol: I keep a list for each child, and they get to pick which thank you to work one. I premake envelopes for each recipient so I can file thank yous as they are done. Many of the envelopes have five thank yous.


Our thank yous are not formal. The kids usually draw pictures. I usually have my 7yo write a sentence on his picture, and my 9yo writes a little more. I think the effort is important, and I think the recipient would prefer to receive fun pictures than a formal thank you.


My kids write thank you to everyone who gives them a gift. We receive no thank yous from anyone. Thankfully my kids have not noticed the discrepancy yet.

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